Pt 7

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"Heyy Drew!" Jake shouted, running up to Drew and giving him a big hug. "What are you doing??"

Drew looked down at his book. "I'm reading this cool story about these gods who rule over different kingdoms"

"Ohh that's sounds cool! Can I read with you?" Jake sat down on the ground next to him, and Drew blushed.


"Hey you wanna go to the park after school? I have nothing to do and my parents aren't home" Drew asked.

Jake smiled. "Well duh, why wouldn't I? It's so much funner hanging out with you anyways" He laughed.

Drew snorted. "I doubt that but whatever you think is true"

Drew and Jake make it to the park. Jake ran to the swings like a child and Drew tagged along. He watched how Jake tried to throw himself up so high in the air, making Drew wanna compete. They laughed and shouted until they were outta breath. Drew shared glances with Jake, and saw a spark in him. Something about Jake just made Drew feel very warm inside. He couldn't help but smile at how adorable Jake looked when he was happy. It was those moments he just wanted to hang on to, and not let go. He couldn't let go. He just wanted the moment to last longer. When it was just the two of them. Laughing and being themselves, not having a care in the world what people think about them, where they were genially happy.

Only remains but a fragment memory now


"It was you, wasn't it?" Jake hissed.

Drew looked at him in confusion. "Uhm, what was what?-"

"Don't play fucking dumb with me, you know exactly what I'm talking about"

"Dude, your freaking me out. And I don't know?"

"IM TALKING ABOUT ABOUT THAT DAMM AUDIO RECORDING!!" Jake shouted enough for a few kids in the back to turn their head at him and start whispering things to each other.

"Recording? The fuck is that supposed to mean?" Drew got even more confused. Jakes anger was making him tense up a little.

"One of you guys decided to send a fucking recording of me to the music club, and now they kicked me out. They won't talk or even speak to me.." he grumbled. Drew's eyes widened but he was still confused.

Henry and Liam in the back realized what Jake meant. "OHHHHH!" they said, panic appearing across their faces.

"Look, I don't know what your talking about, but it ain't me, ok? I have no clue about this recording thing your shouting at me about."


"AND IM TELLING YOU I DON'T KNOW!!" Drew screamed.

Jake signed. "Cant you just be honest with me for once? Why do you have to lie to me about everything?"

Drew froze. Lie? What do you mean lie? I'm serious. Why are you calling me a liar?

"Aren't we supposed to trust each other? I though you would support my idea for being in the club.."

"Jake, what are you saying? I'm not lying to you! And why do you even care about being in the club anyways? Your the one who was going to leave them eventually!!" Drew shouted.

"I never wanted to.." Jake grumbled.

Drew's eyes shot open.

"So what, are you just gonna leave us now and replace us with them?" He questioned.

Jake started walking away. He stopped and looked at the ground. "Yea. Yea I guess I am.."

Drew felt he was hit in the gut. He was still staring at Jake, in panic and fear.

No. No this isn't real.
It's all just a nightmare.
It can't be real.

His body started to feel shaky. He looked at his hands. They were trembling. He tried rubbing them but the feeling that rushed through his body wouldn't go away. His throat started to close, and he was holding back the urge to let out tears. It would be embarrassing after all to cry in public. He felt so suffocated and sick.

Please no. Stop. Please. Go away. Fuck. I hate this feeling. Please leave me alone. Please. Not now. Why now. What is wrong with me? Help.
Your not actually leaving me right? Don't you care about your friend? I thought you did. Don't go. Don't leave Jake. Please..

"Oh, and by the way" Jake continued. "You might wanna figure out what your girlfriend is actually doing on her busy weekends"

Drew managed to let out a word "W-what?"

And just like that, he was gone.

Hurt, confused, petrified, scared, angry, Drew faced Liam and Henry. Giving them a terrifying look. They both gave a nervous grin to him, deciding to play dumb like Drew didn't expect a clue.

"Drop the act now, and speak" Drew hissed.

They didn't say anything, we're too nervous too. Drew walked up to them and grabbed them both by the wrists, tightening his grib so much that Liam and Henry weren't started to feel pain. "Tell me now, or I'll give you a reason to speak" Drew's grib got even tighter.

(Annddd cliffhanger. Sorry don't feel like writing much rn but I'll make a new chapter soon promise)

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