Pt 9

226 7 9

5 months later

Me and Jake stopped talking completely, I guess that's ok. I have been a problem in his life so it's deserved. It took so long to stop crying myself to sleep everynight but I'm sure I'm able to act normal now. Sure it still hurts, I still miss him, everyday. I almost always think about him. But every time he crosses my mind I just can't help but feel ashamed of myself.

Maybe I could've done something to prevent this from happening? Anything?

No he still would've left

I guess no one really stays for long right?

It was my fault for believing he'd stay by my side the moment I met him

I don't get it. He always used to be so cheerful and happy, I always felt embraced by his love the moment he stepped foot near me and the homies. He always gave me a smile he didn't share for anyone else. It was like I was special to him or something.

Was I? Or was that just something he'd do when flirting around with people?

We'd always play videos games together, sometimes we'd go out to eat or we'd go to parties and laugh hysterically at the girls that'll get their asses drunk. Sometimes it was just me and him though. I would feel very anxious and I always had to spark up a conversation, anything to avoid me feeling awkward or out of place.

Jake however, always had something to say. Alot actually. He was like a bundle of energy, so much that I couldn't keep up. I wasn't this nervous with anyone else, I was super talkative, almost everyone in the school knew me, but why did he make me feel so scared to speak.

It's like my mind would just blank out. I'd know what to say at one point, and then I'd look him in the eyes and I just forgot completely.

A couple years past and things changed. Jake, who was once the sweet and outgoing person, became distant and avoided any conversation with me, Liam, and Henry. He ghosted us. If Henry would stop him in the hallways he'd make up any excuse he could think of and just hurry away. It was like he never had time for us anymore. Like he didn't have time for me anymore.

"Oh I'm sorry guys! I have a big test coming up so I can't hang out with you today, maybe after?"

"Sorry Drew, i have band practice later today so the music club needs me. We can hang out another day though, I promise"

"Ugh- I can't. I'm babysitting my brother Lilo after school. Can it be another time?"

"I'd promise I'd meet up at Haileys house, sorry guys"

"Thats all you'll ever talk about, busy, busy hanging out with those freaks... "

I clenched my fists. I wanted to punch the shit outta one of those assholes. Espcially Zander. That dumbass made me furious. I could just grab him and throw his body off the damm roof

I guess I was talking out loud though because they both eyed me.

"Woah dude, obssessed much?" Liam giggled and Henry laughed along with him.

"Shut the fuck up before I throw both your asses off the roof instead.." I grumbled.

Well that shut them up quickly..

"Whatever, I'm outta here. If you see Jake don't mention me to him" I turned away from the two idiots, giving them the finger and shut the school door behind them.

The weather was really nice today. A sunny breeze. I guess that meant summer was finally here.

Walking down a narrowed park, I saw little children chasing each other and playing on the swings. They were so energetic and full of life. They were laughing and chanting who could swing the highest. It was like a competition or something.

Then their was a little toddler trying to pet a stray cat, although the cat didn't seem that friendly, because it went in to slap the child across his forehead. The toddler started crying and somebody's dog started growling at the cat. The cat jumped from the sound of it and started running away into the woods.

I admit I almost bursted out laughing, even over something so small and stupid. It's the first time I felt so mush amusement sense Jake left, though it would be better if he were still around to hang with me.

I didn't feel like going home right away so I sat on a bench and I look around my scenery. It was pretty quiet and peaceful. The sun was setting and the leaves were blowing. I spotted the cat that ran away from earlier. It hopped on the bench by my side and snuggled up on my lap. I was a bit confused but I put my hand over it's head and slowly petted it. The cat purred and started to close its eyes. I didn't even noticed that I had dozed off aswell until I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"H-huh?" I was still pretty groggy and wasn't fully awake. The cat was gone now and it was dark out. The street lights were on even.

"What are you doing out this late at night, you'll get sick" a familiar voice asked.

"Why do you care, it not like we know eachother" I sat up, not even facing the dude. I started to head out but he grabbed me by my arm.


I froze.

How does he know my name? Is he a fucking stalker or something?

I turned around. I couldn't see the guys face because of how dark it was, but I could make out that he wore a jacket like Jake and had the same haircut as him.

"Who told you what my name was?"
I grabbed him by the collar.

"I thought you would've recognized me by now" he said in a soft tone.


The guy toke his phone out from his pocket and turned the flashlight on. From then I could see exactly who it was. The one that I wanted to avoid but also the one I missed talking to.

"Jake?-" i questioned. My whole voice shoke and I toke a step back.

"Ah, so now you know!" He let out a small laugh.

Why is he talking to me? Shouldn't Jake be pissed? Maybe this is some kinda joke, a set up? No Jake wouldn't do that, he's not the kinda person to joke about serious matters.

"Uhm- I uh- why are-" I fumbled for the write words. I started to feel my hands shaking again. Was I scared?

He went to grab my hand but I snatched it away. "DONT YOU FUCKING DARE!!" I screamed. I don't what came over me, it was like an impulse. I didn't want to scream at him but I couldn't help feeling anxious. I started trembling, to make matters worse, the wind was starting to get stronger, and i was freezing.

He stared at me, didn't say anything. He just- stared at me, with a straight face. I didn't even notice how much I was starting to tear up. Maybe that's why he was staring?

Before I knew it, I was running away. I didn't care if I couldn't breath or not, I just wanted to make sure i was home and gone from Jakes sight. I ran up my room, locked my door, and collapsed against the wall. I was gasping just to get cold sharp air down my lungs.

My head was throbbing and my ears were ringing. The room was spinning and my vision went fuzzy. I needed to lie down for a moment. I went over to my bed and collapsed face first on the pillow. I probably spent some time shitting tears for this dude because the moment I stopped my whole pillow was soaked. I flipped it to the other side and fell asleep from exhaustion.

(Took 2 days to finish bc of procrastination and boredom, might edit it bc I was writing horrible and theirs most likely errors or something. Pls forgive me and enjoy really this stupid book ig)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2023 ⏰

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