Pt 5

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"Yknow what, I'm done with you." Jake said. He had a vicious look in his eyes.

Drew looked at him in shock. "What, are you gonna ditch us for those music freaks again? Their literally controlling you!"

"The only control freak here is you, not them.  He scoffed. "You disgust me. I truly thought you were a great friend, thought I would be happy with you. Do you not care about my feelings? Oh that's right, but you only care about your fucking self!!" He shouted.

Drew froze. He was right though. Drew has been pretty obsessed with spending time with Jake.

"It's not like that you dumbass! I'm not the only one at fault here! You've been avoiding and ditching me for weeks now!! You never talk to me anymore!" Drew yelled.

"Don't you get it?" Jake mumbled.

"What?-" Drew asked, but was interrupted by a knock at his bedroom door.

He woke up in cold sweat.  "Ugh. The fuck do you want, ma?" He groaned.

Drew's mother barged in, slamming the door to the wall. "Watch that language when your talking to your mother" she scowled him.

He rolled his eyes. "Yah yah, whatever. What do you need this time?"

"I heard you got into a fight with that blonde haired boy. Do you realize that this could ruin your family's reputation? What would your father think?"

"So that's why you barged in here? Because you only care about our reputation? Tch. That's all you care about. Don't you even care about your own child? Don't I matter more that some dumb reputation?" He scowled.

She frowned. "Look, just promise you won't get into another fight, ok? We can't have people looking down on us."



"I DONT GIVE A FUCK JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" He snapped. His mother scoffed and then left the room, slamming the door with a loud "bang"

He jumped outta bed and locked the door so his mom couldn't barge in again.

"Damm that women. She never gives a shit about her family. All she fricking cares about is her stupid popularity.." he mumbled until his breath, cleaning both of his hands.

He looked at the top of his dresser. It was a frame with a photo inside of him and Jake from freshman year. Drew felt anger build up inside of him. He ran to his dresser, grabbed the frame, and threw it across the room, hitting the wall and shattering the glass.

He collapsed on the floor and starting sobbing. He haven't felt this much pain in a long time. All this stress was building up and he never actually let it out until now.

"I hate you Jake.." he mumbled.

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