Pt 8

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"Ok ok we'll tell you!!-" Henry yelped.

"Good" Drew let go and shoved them backwards, Liam almost losing his balance and close to knocking Henry down.

"Y-your girlfriend.." Liam went on.

Drew gave him a cold stare. "And what of her?"

Henry played with this hair. "She had recorded Jake at your house the other night and sent it to the music freaks-"


"W-we were but we didn't wanna hurt-"

Drew slapped him in the face, leaving a red mark behind. He saw Henry's face in shock.

"Shut it, I don't wanna hear it." Drew scuffed. He turned his back to them and went inside the school building. He felt bad for hurting his friends but he couldn't think straight.

Drew didn't see Jake at school, or the next day, even the day after.



He locked himself in the bathroom and slammed his back against the wall. His hands were shaking while one held a knife. He wanted to cut himself enough that he wouldn't feel anymore pain.

Stupid stupid stupid
You just had to tell him
Why can't you just keep your mouth shut, Drew?
What the hell is wrong with you?
Are you crazy?
Jake cared about you
He was your best friend
Now look what you done
He hates you
Probably doesn't even wanna speak to you anymore


I'm a terrible friend
I don't deserve Jake
I'm sorry
Please don't leave me
I don't wanna lose you too
Please I'll fix my mistakes
I'll be nicer to the club
I'll try not to fuck up anymore

Don't leave me alone don't leave me alone don't leave me alone don't leave me alone don't leave me alone don't leave me alone don't leave me alone don't leave me alone don't leave me alone don't leave me alone don't leave me alone don't leave me alone don't leave me alone don't leave me alone don't leave me alone don't leave me alon-


He came back to his senses, and looked down. Both his wrists were slit. Blood was dripping on the floor. He panicked and tried to clean all the blood away and hide the knife before anyone found out. He didn't want anyone knowing what he done to himself.

He rolled his sleeves down and got up from the ground, hiding the knife under a pile of clothes stuffed inside his dresser.

"Yes?" He asked walking down the stairs.

"Your friends are here to see you" She mumbled, and walked away.

It was Henry and Liam.

"Hey, uh- Drew-" Henry started.

"What do you want? Can't you see I don't wanna be bothered right now? Please- just- leave me alone."

"W-wait!-" Henry grabbed Drew by the arm. Drew tensed up by his sudden grasp.

"Look, i don't have time for this, maybe later-"

"We just wanted to apologize for not saying anything right away. It was wrong of us. We should have said something.." Henry said.

"But you didn't." Drew yanked his arm free from Henry's grasp. "Not get out. I'm not in the mood for this shit."

Henry and Liam gave a frown to each other, and both looked back at him. "Oh, ok then. S-sorry for bothering you.." Henry and Liam headed to the door and left. Drew let out a breath and ran back upstairs to his room.

"Tch. Having the nerve to show up at my house." He mumbled to himself. Drew collapsed head first onto his bed and rolled around to reach for his phone. Jake still didn't respond to his calls or text messages. Drew felt down again. He wished he could've talked more with Jake, or at least prevent any of these problems from happening, maybe then would they still be close. He missed that. What's done is done though

Maybe i should give him some space. After all, I have been very attached lately. I just hope he doesn't forget I exist-

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