Ch1: Self-harm

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The lab. An ordinary day. Absolutely nothing happening out of the unusual. Other than the brightly-colored lizard woman crawling all over the walls and spouting nonsense. All it was was Black Hat this, Black Hat that. Very irritating, especially when you're trying to focus on something that could explode with ONE WRONG MOVE.

Doctor Flug was about to pour a little bit of the liquid in a bottle he held into a concoction that would hopefully strike fear into anything it falls on. Hopefully. Focus... focus.. focus.....

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" A continuous scream startled Flug into dropping the vial, which fell right into the brew. He cursed to himself, then shouted over the scream,

"DEMENTIA! CAN YOU WATCH THIS!? IM GOING TO CHECK WHERE THAT SCREAMING IS COMING FROM!" The lizard girl giggled and shouted back in a high voice,

"IT'S DEFINITELY JUST 505 BEING A SPAZ!" Flug shrugged in a way that said, still, better to check. He grabs a box of medical supplies, because it would be a pain to run all the way back for it if someone really was hurt. He runs out of the lab, along the confusing halls of the Hat Mansion, following the sound of the screaming. It occasionally broke, but the closer Flug got to the source, the more it sounded like an agonized shriek. To Flugs surprise, he found himself at the door to Black Hat's office. Was this a bad idea? Surely Black Hat was just torturing someone in there, or something.


In any case, he peeked through the keyhole. It had a keyhole, yes. A useless one, in most cases, but it helped in this situation. He didn't see anything, except for a pool of blood gathering to the left of the keyholes view. Well. Looks like i have to barge in. Don't kill me, Black Hat! Flug thinks as he slowly turned the doorknob.

He paused when he heard that the scream was dying down, and broken up. Was that good or bad? He inhaled, and stepped in. Inside it, he could now hear laughing from the phone on Black Hats desk. Looking straight forward, all he saw was the empty desk of Black Hat, and the window behind it. Confused, Flug looked to the right. Nothing. He looked to the left, and nearly jumped out of his skin.

The sight was horrifying. No, mortifying. This was unbelievable. The pool of blood was like a shadow of a person near midday, and it slowly expanded under... no. No, that couldn't.. it was under..

"BLACK HAT!??" Flug shrieked. He didn't mean to shriek, but you could hardly blame him because seeing his boss covered in slash wounds and standing in a puddle of what appeared to be his own blood was a sight that would send the calmest person alive running away screaming in terror. But Flug didn't run. He was frozen in place, half in fear, half in disbelief.

As usual when faced with a dangerous situation, Flugs mind whirred into action, thinking of every possible thing he could do right now. His thought train was interrupted by a pained groan.

"Nnghh—" All Flug could do was watch as Black Hat collapsed onto the ground. Oh, what had he gotten himself into?

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