Ch5: Long Day

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(Guys I promise this chapter is long, I was rushing with 4 and 3!)

Looks like the night went by faster than would have been nice. Now Flug had to go check on Black Hat. He really didn't want to, especially if Black Hat intended to explain. Flug didn't want to know.

He left his room and walked down the hall to the infirmary. What if Black Hat woke up last night and left? What happens now? Crap, I hope he doesn't attack me, or worse.. Flug opens the door to the infirmary, and to his relief, Black Hat was still there. Hadn't woken up, either. Another upside. Flug sits down next to the bed. Why hadn't he just got 5.0.5 to check on Black Hat? Although, from the events of yesterday, Black Hat probably wouldn't need being smothered in hugs. Or Demencia, for... obvious reasons. Black Hat stirs, so Flug gets up and turns to leave, but something stops him.

He turns around again, and has to stop himself from freaking out, as Black Hat was gripping Flug's wrist. Not particularly rough, but enough to stop Flug from leaving.

"Wait." Black Hat's voice wasn't as pained as yesterday, but still had a pang to it that just made it pathetic. Black Hat. Being pathetic. Now this was something really scary.

"You're awake, then." Flug grumbled. This was probably disrespectful, but Black Hat couldn't do anything about it anyways.
"Can you let go of me?"

Black Hat shook his head.
"You're ALIVE!" For some reason Black Hat sounded.. happy about that.

"Of course I'm alive, now can you let go!?" Flug was getting more annoyed. If Black Hat were to suddenly go back to his usual self, Flug would be in for it... but the chances of that were low.

"Why did you DO that!?" Flug demanded. This would be a long day.

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