Ch2: Weakness

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What to do? What to do? He had never thought of what to do in this situation, cause it was so unlikely! The Black Hat? Getting hurt? It was almost laughable! Which was why Flug just stood there for like a minute until the pressure to do something cracked. He runs over and crouches next to Black Hat.

Black Hat lay on the ground, eye tightly shut and grinding his teeth. The usually terrifying demon just looked.. pathetic. Weak. And that was not good, as it was a demon, for Satans sake! Flug just sat there trying to think what to do. He tells his brain to shut up. Ok. First priority, the gash that had been clearly slashed in the demon's chest. Flug opens his medical kit and digs around for stitches. When he finds it in the jumbled up mess of medical equipment (it wasn't used much) he turns back to Black Hat. He hesitates.

The demon was breathing rapid shallow breaths, and seemed unaware of Flug's presence, which is impressive, since Flug was saying very rude things to the box of medical equipment the whole time he was digging around. But the breathing was concerning. He shouldn't be breathing like that, that is a very bad sign. Flug inhaled and slowly untangled Black Hat from the black coat. That would make this more convenient. Although Flug had to avoid his hand being bitten several times, he managed to get the thing off of the demon. He waits a moment for Black Hat to calm down a bit, then rolls him over onto his back, so Flug could get a better look at the wound. In all of this, he had been, for the most part, silent. Seeing the gash that was clearly made by Black Hat's own claws, oozing blood, made Flug feel sickened. Still, he had to go through with this.

Even though Black Hat was clearly already in too much pain for it to make much difference, Flug muttered,
"This is definitely going to hurt, sir." To Flug's surprise, the demon seemed to have heard him, and dug his claws into the floor to brace himself.


Flug slightly separates the fabric around the cut and gripped the medical needle. He hadn't done this before, but luckily he knew how, and had decently steady hands. And he wasn't squeamish. If he was, he wouldn't have made it this far. He stitches the wound as quickly as he could, occasionally wincing at the sound of Black Hat's claws scraping the floor. Flug exhales, having finished the wound. He felt like he'd been holding his breath, and mentally scolded himself for it. He cleans up the now stitched wound and moves on.

He finally finishes stitching or bandaging the many wounds, and looks over the demon to see if he had missed any. Oddly, there was still blood seeping out of Black Hat, even though all of the wounds had been stitched. Oh! He flips Black hat over onto his stomach with no warning, earning a surprised yelp from the injured demon.
"Sorry!" Flug winced at the noise, then jerks back when he realized that Black Hat had twisted around slightly and rested his head on Flug's lap.

"SIR!?" Flug didn't move. He had found the wound on Black Hat's back, but what the wounded creature had done was very wierd. Then Flug realized why. Oh. That makes it easier for me to reach the wound! He silently thanks Black Hat and begins working on the wound. How the heck did Black Hat even hurt himself here? Flug finishes on the gashes, but Black Hat didn't move. Eh. I'm going to get a stretcher to get him to the infirmary.. he's in no shape to walk. Or move at all. Flug starts to get up, but Black Hat suddenly grabs his wrist. The demon rasps shakily,

"Wait." Flug turns back around.
"What?" He asks surprisedly. Black Hat repeats himself.
"Wait. Please, please don't leave me," the demon looked up at Flug, and somehow looked even more pathetic. Flug shook his head and says,
"Sir, I have to get you to the infirmary. I may have fixed your... injuries, but you still need to heal." Black Hat still didn't let go of Flug's wrist. Black Hat mumbled something. Flug tilts his head.
"What did you say?" He asks, truly confused. Black Hat rasps quietly, but unusually softly,

"Then carry me." Flug recoils.
"WHAT!? YOU WANT ME TO WHAT!?" The scientist backed up slightly. He didn't mean to. Still, what else was he supposed to do...

 Still, what else was he supposed to do

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