Ch4: Sad Story

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Flug picked up Black Hat, who was surprisingly light, probably because the blood loss. He stands up and runs out the door, trying to remember where the infirmary was. It was hardly used, because when someone got hurt, usually Black Hat HEALED THEM. That was why Flug couldn't remember. And he still couldn't remember. But after a minute of wandering around aimlessly, he found it. He rushed in, put Black Hat on one of the few beds, set up the equipment, and ran out again.
"FLUG! What the heck *wheeze* where WERE you!?" A very tired Dementia ran around the corner, leaning on the wall. Flug asked, trying to be calm,

"I could ask the same. I know I told you to watch that alchemy stuff, but didn't you hear the screaming!?" Dementia gasped.

"I FORGOT ABOUT THAT! What happened, did 5.0.5 do something crazy and start freaking out!?" Flug shakes his head solemnly and points at the door to the infirmary. Dementia says slowly,

"Why.. why were you gone so long? What happened, Doc? Flug shakes his head and says,

"See for yourself, Dem." He walks away from the hallway, putting a mental reminder to check on Black Hat tomorrow. He heard Dementia shriek and, of course, a moment later, she ran past him crying. Tired, Flug heads back to the lab. He would work out the events of the day another time. Now, he was going to work out how to fix the stupid potion.

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