Chapter 4- Metanoia

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I lugged my suitcase onto the bed and looked inside for some 'party' clothes. Anything was better than what I had on already so it wasn't that hard.

I looked specifically for the dress my mum had bought me for my 17th birthday, it was a dress I had wanted since I was a little girl.

It was the réalisation dress, specifically the Inez in dahlia-It was short, and suitable for a party.

I waited until I heard music and people talking, still I sat on my bed and found myself hesitant to leave.

There was a knock at the door, I stood to answer it and saw that happy was there, in front of me.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked, having to look up at him.

"Party's started, you coming out?" He wasn't much of a talker, even when he did the words were limited.

"Yeah, I was just about to actually," truth be told, I was scared about going out alone, "hey, could you do me a favour?"

"Sure, what?" He replied, voice still gruff.

"Could you walk out with me? I still don't really know anyone and I was kinda scared."

He looked at me for a minute, then nodded, "yeah."

I muttered a thanks and followed him out the door, down the hall and into the main area.

"Hey, Maggie you made it!" Tig and juice came over, juice throwing his arm around my shoulders. That was until happy stared at him, I couldn't quite understand the reason behind it though.

"So what can I get you to drink?" Tig asked.

"Uhh, just a beer please." Again, I didn't really like beer, but everyone was drinking it and right now, I didn't want to stand out.

"Of course doll," he smiled, "prospect! Get my girl here a beer!" He shouted at the young man who had served me earlier.

"Hey, I can get it, it's no bother." I felt a little bit bad for the guy.

"No, that's his job." Happy said, looking down at me.

"Oh, okay." I felt stupid, like I was supposed to know that it was his job, "thank you." I took the beer from his hand.

"No problem." He replied, turning to answer another call of 'prospect!'

The guys led me over to the pool table and asked if I knew how to play. I did know, but I figured it would be funny to see their faces when I beat them, so I said no.

"Chibs here is our champ, he can teach ya." Tig said, then walked away towards a woman in skimpy clothing.

"You alrigh' love? You Seem a-bit skittish to me," he was Scottish, unusual for a small town in America.

"Yeah, just new is all, don't know many people." I smiled at him, he seemed nice.

"So, ya wan' to play pool, first you'll need a cue."

Chibs went on to explain how to play, and more importantly how to win. I knew all this of course but nodded unknowingly.

The look on Chibs' face when I potted five balls one after the other was hilarious, he seemed to catch on after I won, that I was lying about not knowing how to play.

"I see what you done, clever girl." He smirked, "but there could be some fun in this, Oi hap, come play pool lad."

I had forgotten happy had left to sit at the bar, but he soon came over and took the cue from Chibs' hand.

"You can break first." He said liming the balls up for me.

"Sure ok." I purposely went to hit the balls wrong, happy stopped me and asked if he could help.

I nodded, smiling, he stood behind me and leaned over my whole body. It wasn't that difficult seeing as though he was a good nine inches taller than me, he placed his hands where mine should have been on the cue.

"Hold the end of the cue, move it forward when your ready, make sure it has some power behind it."

I did what he said and hit the first ball, making the others scatter around the table.

"Good." He smiled for a split second, I almost missed it, I probably would have if I weren't staring at him already.

He helped me again, and again, I obviously got the hang of it but it was almost like he didn't want to stop being so close to me.

I won of course, even without his help I probably would have done, he then asked if I wanted to sit down for a bit.

We sat on one of the sofas in the corner where a lot of the other members were, they were all with women too.

"Hey darlin, finally come out of your shell?" Jax asked, he had his arm around a brunette woman who gave me nothing but an ugly look.

"Yeah, eventually." I laughed.

I sat next to happy, he had pushed me so that I sat next to the arm of the sofa, he was then between me and juice.

"I don't believe we've met, I'm Bobby." He was a kind looking guy, not what you'd expect a scary biker to be like.

"I'm Opie, and this is my dad piney." Said a huge bear of a guy, he seemed sweet too though.

Then a couple walked over, they looked older and scarier than everyone else.

"Fresh meat?" The man asked.

"Clay, gem meet Maggie." Jax said, introducing me to them.

"Nice to meet you." I said, hoping to come across okay.

"Where you from sweetheart? You sound northern." Gemma asked.

"Oh Montana, born and raised." I smiled, Gemma looked like she run things around here so I did not want to get in her bad side.

"I've always wanted to visit there, all the canyons and mountains." Clay said, it was a real nice place in all honesty.

"It really is nice."

"Well, enjoy the party, nothing like Friday night and booze." Gemma laughed.


A/n: there will be a second part of the party so do not worry!! Hope you enjoyed! Once again metanoia is the journey of changing one's mind, heart, self or way of life.


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