Chapter 5- Dépaysement

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It was around eleven at night now and I was unbelievably tired. Happy noticed this and nudged my shoulder.

"Sorry, we're you talking to me? I was falling asleep." I felt really bad if he was, I wasn't ignoring him intentionally.

"I wasn't talking, but you can sleep if you want." He patted his shoulder for me to rest my head there, I was hesitant but did eventually.

"Thank you happy," I said curling in as much as I could without him being uncomfortable. I was a little drunk and my mind wasn't thinking straight- I was a lot closer than sober me would have gotten.

"Don't worry about it little girl, I won't let anyone wake you." He put his arm around me so I could get more comfortable.

When I woke up I was in a bed, but not the room I was supposed to be in. I panicked and sat up, looking around frantically and checking if my clothes were on my body.

I wasn't wearing my dress anymore, instead i had on a grey T-shirt and sweatpants, both way too big for me. I looked at the other side of the bed but no one was there, so who's room was I in?

Just then the bathroom door opened, and there stood happy, shirtless wearing only sweatpants, similar to the ones I had on.

"Morning little girl, you okay?" He asked, "you look terrified."

"Uh, yeah I'm good, we didn't... you know, did we?" I was nervous for the answer, I liked happy but I was most definitely drunk last night- and a drunk yes isn't a yes if the other person is sober.

"No, I like my women aware of their surroundings when I have sex with them, you were the opposite last night." Well, that was a relief.

"Good, I mean not like in a bad way. I'm not saying sleeping with you would be awful," oh god shut up please, "but uh I too like being aware of what I'm doing." It's too early for this shit.

He laughed and went to his drawer to get some clothes. I looked down at my attire again and wondered how I had put them on. "Did you, help me with my clothes?" I asked.

"I did, but I tried not look as much as possible, just didn't want you to ruin your dress." He said back to me, still rummaging in his draw, "Gemma's got it now, she's cleaning it for you."

"Well, thank you, I'll have your stuff washed for you as soon as I can." I stood up, making the bed, and smiled at him when he turned to look at me.

"Don't bother, keep them, they look good on you anyway." He said, "come out when your ready, gem's probably making breakfast for everyone with a hangover."

"Hey, one more thing." I said.


"You got any aspirin? I've got a killer headache right now." I touched the side of my head that was pounding, wishing for it to stop.

"Should be some in the bathroom, take as much as you need." He smiled and opened the bedroom door.

"Thanks, for everything." I said softly, he said a quick 'don't mention it' before leaving and shutting the door behind him.

Now that I was alone I made my way to the bathroom, washing my face, I had to go to my room to brush my teeth and get changed so I made sure I cleaned any mess in the room before I left.

Once in my room I got ready and walked out to where everyone was, there was still random bottles dotted around and the odd person asleep on the floor.

"Mornin sweetheart, coffee?" Gemma came from out the kitchen, then beckoned me in there with her.

"So, I saw you go to hap's room last night, anything happen?" She placed a hand on her hip while she poured me a cup of coffee.

"Nope, I was drunk so he said it wouldn't have been right." I was almost attracted to him now, I mean he was very good looking and did the bear minimum but you don't find alot of guys like that.

"That's sweet, lucky really, not everyone is like that these days." We shared a look that said we'd be good friends, and I was glad about that.

"Who was that girl with Jax, she looked like she wanted to kill me." I laughed, remembering the look she gave me.

"That's Tara, she's had trouble with pretty girls around her man before, she's just cautious but she'll come around." Gemma handed me the cup and I took a sip.

"Good to know, also, I was wondering if you know of any jobs that are open around town? I need something now that I'm staying in charming for definite."

"I could use an extra hand in the office, all you'd do is paper work and organise files." Gemma explained, "it's not much but it'd help me a whole lot."

"That'd be great thanks, I just need to start earning, try to get a place, or a motel for the time being." I stated as we both walked to sit at the bar.

"You'll stay here." Gemma reassured me, "no point wasting money when you don't have to." It felt as though this would be my new home, my new life. I felt wanted here.

"At least let me pay you for it," I protested, it felt wrong to live there for free, even if it was temporary.

"How about you help me do things around the clubhouse? I'll take that as payment."

I nodded, I still felt bad but something told me not to challenge Gemma- so I didn't.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, so I turned to see who it was.

"I'm going out on a run, I should be back by tonight but ring me if you need anything." Happy told me, handing me a piece of paper with his number on it.

"Sure okay." I put the number into my phone, and said goodbye to him.

I had no worries or troubles for weeks, life seemed to be working in charming. Yet, it didn't take long for him to come into my room one night, covered in both his blood and someone else's.


A/n: yo! She wakes up in hap's bed?? Then he comes to her covered in blood, how will Maggie take this? We shall find out in the next chapter!!
Dépaysement: when someone is taken out of their own familiar world and placed into a new one.


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