Resurrected (Chapter 31)

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I wake up early in the morning feeling conflicted. Today's is the day we fight Valhalla and also my brother's death aniversary. It's still a bit too early but, I decided to get up because I couldn't sleep.

I brush my teeth and made my way to the kitchen, where my brother is making breakfast. He seems suprised to see me up early in the morning but, didn't say anything.

I move to the other room and noticed  something shiny from the drawer. Curious,  I pulled open the slightly open drawer. The content flabbergasted me.

There were several knives in the drawer. I was confused and concerned as to why the knives aren't at the kitchen where they're supposed to be.

" Hey, why are there knives here?" I shouted. My brother couldn't hear what I said clearly so he entered the room and was suprised to see me holding the knives.

" How did you get those knives? I locked them away." He said, he looked distrub by the sight.

" Why would you lock them away?" I asked. He remained quiet for awhile. And then answered.

" Chase had been watching too many sword fight anime, that he would take the knives from the kitchen. It's dangerous so I decided to put them away." He said.

( Make sense and I don't have any reasons to doubt him.)

"But, the drawer is too high for the kids to reach if  I didn't take it out and you didn't take it out then who opened the drawer?" I asked but, he didn't answer and walk towards the kitchen.

" Do me a favour and put those knives away, I'll ask you when I need them." He said from the kitchen.

I did what he told me to. On taking those knives away a white envelope fell down I picked it up. After putting away those knives I noticed a couple more envelopes. I just pick up the envelope that fell. It seems to be already been open.

I took out the paper and carefully unfold it. The paper had scribblings that was incomprehensible at first. It took some time to understand what it says.

'The s1ns of the p@st can't never be forgiven. And I certainly can't forgive you , y/N.'

After reading what it says my mind went blank.

"Eh, My sins Can't be ForGiVen........"

( Have I ever consider what I did a sin? And have I ever asked for forgiveness?)

My head suddenly felt very heavy and I felt dizzy. The room felt like it's spinning. I lean on the wall and I ended up knocking up something. I heard glass shattering and my brother immediately came to see what happened.

Seeing that something is wrong with me he asked me what's wrong but, I didn't answer. I drop the envelope and brother saw it and as if he recognised it. He panicked and immediately grap it.

" Did you read it? Y/n I'm sorry..." My brother apologies.

" I didn't didn't mean to- I should have burn those letters." He said.

Seconds later I wasn't dizzy anymore. When I looked down at the floor I saw the picture frame of my brother broken into pieces.

" Heh? I'm sorry, what have I done. And it had to happen in his anniversary." I said.

" Stay there I'll clean it up." My brother said.

After cleaning it up my brother brought a first aid kit and told me to sit down. I didn't notice it but my white socks is stained with red.

"Y/n I'm sorry, those letters are-" My brother said with with a low voice.

" Why are you sorry? It's not your fault, it's not like you wrote that. I've been getting those kind of messages alot. But, that one stuck out the most." I said.

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