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We walked away from the junkyard, the weight of what had transpired hanging heavy in the air. Conversation seemed futile-our battered bodies were a testament to the violence we had witnessed, but it was our hearts that bore the true wounds.

As I trailed behind, the others gradually distancing themselves, a figure waited for me. It was my brother, Lucius, his smile sweet and familiar. Beside him stood an older boy, unknown to me. Lucius approached, his voice gentle yet tinged with the hint of teasing.

"Took you long enough. I've been waiting quite a while, you know. Some things never change you still have the habit to make me wait," he said, that playful smirk dancing on his lips.

I met his gaze, my voice laced with skepticism. "What do you want, Lucius? Are you here to carry out your threats, just like you said?"

Lucius chuckled, his eyes still holding that warmth that was once so familiar. "Well, I was planning to, but it seems seeing my dear sister takes me back a bit. I can't bring myself to kill you just yet."

The confusion swirled within me, his words a puzzle I struggled to piece together. "I want you to suffer more," he continued, his tone almost casual. "And besides, I want you to truly comprehend the extent of what you've done to me, without the death of Baji getting in the way. So, I'll give you time."

His words left me stunned, the weight of his revelation sinking in. "With a sudden change of plans, we decided Baji needs to go," he explained, his voice unsettlingly calm. "Compromises were made, but it worked out well. It delivers maximum trauma to you."

I struggled to find words, to make sense of his transformation from a kind-hearted brother to this person before me. "I... I don't understand. Why would you do this to me? Why... why would you turn into this? You were a loving sibling who cared for us."

A bitter smile formed on his lips. "Because you ruined my life. I had to endure pain and loneliness, and I couldn't even obtain the one thing I wanted most. It's all your fault-the reason I've become like this." He removed his jacket, revealing a canvas of scars that spoke of untold agony. My hand flew to my mouth in shock.

"Luci... Lucius, I'm so sorry," I choked out, tears streaming down my face.

"Sorry doesn't fix anything, dear sister," he retorted, his bitterness palpable.

He turned, preparing to leave, but his gaze met mine once more, and he leaned in close to my ear. "I had a hand in killing Baji. I was indirectly responsible for his death," he whispered, a chilling revelation that sent shivers down my spine.

"Why? Baji Kun was your friend, wasn't he?" I exclaimed through my tears.

Lucius' expression remained unchanged, his voice a mixture of detachment and purpose. "Yes, I held no ill will towards him. But he was close to you, wasn't he? It hurts you that your friend died because of you. This is only the beginning-I'll ensure that every person you hold dear meets the same fate."

My heart pounded as his words hung in the air, a chilling promise of more pain to come. "All the bad things that have happened... they're all your fault," he concluded, the weight of his accusations bearing down on me like an unrelenting storm.

As Lucius stepped into the car and it drove away, I stood there, utterly baffled by the turn of events. Today was supposed to be my brother's fourth death anniversary, yet here he was, alive but unrecognizable in his hatred. The brother I had loved and looked up to had transformed into someone consumed by animosity.

Seeing him with my own eyes didn't diminish the shock-I couldn't fathom how he could be alive. If he was still living, then who was it that we had buried back at home? Confusion and disbelief swirled within me, the pieces of the puzzle not fitting together.

I struggled to accept that Lucius had become a sociopathic figure unafraid of taking lives. Everything that had transpired-my brother's reappearance, Baji's death-felt like a surreal nightmare, too unreal to grasp. My mind swirled with questions and doubts, leaving me in a state of overwhelming uncertainty.

Walking towards the hospital, I couldn't escape the concerned glances of the people around me. Politely, I asked them not to inquire about my injuries, feeling the weight of my secret weighing me down. I underwent the necessary medical procedures and, when they were finished, I left, looking cleaner than when I had arrived. At least my appearance would spare my other brother's worry.

The journey home was slow and contemplative. My thoughts were consumed by the events of the day. Was Baji really dead? And was it true that Lucius was responsible for it? The weight of that guilt pressed heavily on my heart.

If Lucius was alive, changed beyond recognition, what purpose did my life have? I had convinced myself that I needed to live for his sake, as a tribute to his sacrifice. But if he now regretted that decision, if he had turned into someone unrecognizable, then why had I dedicated so much of my life to him? I had molded myself into someone else's vision, altering my personality, dreams, and aspirations to align with his. I had striven to make him proud, to be the person he wanted me to be.

Walking down the path I had set out for myself, I questioned everything. Was I truly a better person? Had I become the feminine figure he had desired, or had I lost myself along the way? The version of me that existed before felt distant, like a fading memory.

As I reached my home, my thoughts remained turbulent. Baji's death weighed heavily on me; his sacrifice had become an indelible part of my conscience. I was trapped in a web of guilt and confusion, struggling to comprehend my place in this newfound reality.

"Lucius," I whispered, as if calling to him for guidance. "What am I supposed to do?" I questioned the absence of his counsel.

My reverie was abruptly shattered as someone pushed me from behind. I stumbled, recovering quickly to find a hooded figure before me, brandishing a knife. Fear surged through me as I instinctively tried to flee, but he pinned me against the wall.

My heart raced as I struggled against his grip, desperation fueling my attempts to break free. My mind raced, the events of the day leaving me vulnerable and disoriented. Caught in this new threat, I found myself facing a perilous situation with no clear way out.


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