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I spent the following days holed up in my room, avoiding interactions with anyone else. The fear that bad things might be waiting for me outside lingered in my mind. After all, Lucius had made it clear that he intended to make my life difficult. Could he be orchestrating the attack? The hooded man who had attacked me was too tall to be him. Perhaps he had enlisted others to do his bidding, leveraging his yakuza connections.

Sitting on my bed, I found myself lost in thought. My previous goals and dreams seemed meaningless now that I knew Lucius was alive and harboring such deep hatred towards me. The music classes I had dedicated so much time to, hoping to make him proud, felt like a wasted effort. If he no longer cared about me, what was the point?

As I contemplated my uncertain future, a pang of sorrow swept over me. Lucius had transformed from the sweet and forgiving brother I once knew into someone unrecognizable. I couldn't fathom how he had become this way.

Shaking off the overwhelming thoughts, I decided to venture downstairs. Dwelling on the past wouldn't change anything, and I needed to find a way to move forward. However, as I entered the room near the kitchen where the piano was kept, I was reminded of the cabinet where my brother had hidden the kitchen knives. I approached it, recalling the pile of letters I had found inside. Ryan had apologized for not throwing them away sooner, but the memories of those messages resurfaced—taunting, threatening, and filled with malice.

Opening the drawer, I expected to find a stack of letters, but instead, there was only one. I pulled it out, noticing the absence of my name or address. It was a random assortment of gibberish—letters, numbers, and scratches. It seemed like the work of someone who was mentally disturbed. Confused, I questioned whether the letter was even meant for me. Why would Lucius assume that such a message was intended for his sister?

After a moment of contemplation, I decided to discard the letter in the trash. If it didn't even have my name on it, perhaps it had been sent to the wrong person. Either way, I didn't want to waste time deciphering its contents.

Seated at the piano, I began to play a song—one that had always been Lucius's favorite. As my fingers glided across the keys, a melancholic melody filled the room. The music became an outlet for the tumultuous emotions swirling within me. With each note, I poured my feelings into the song, allowing the bittersweet chords to echo the complex emotions I was struggling to process.

The haunting tune served as a reminder of the bond I once shared with Lucius and the memories we had created together. It was a way to cope, a way to channel my confusion, pain, and uncertainty into something beautiful yet somber. The music wrapped around me, offering solace in the midst of chaos, and I continued to play, seeking a moment of peace amidst the storm that had engulfed my life.

Playing my brother's favorite song on the piano brought back a flood of memories from before the accident. It was a tune he would always play for me whenever I was upset, couldn't sleep, or simply needed a comforting presence. The haunting melody held the essence of my brother's kindness and love, and unexpectedly, tears fell onto the piano keys as I played.

Thinking about how he had always been there for me, I realized that growing up, I had often caused trouble that he would help clean up. But this time, I had created a mess that couldn't be resolved by anyone else—I had unwittingly impacted not only my brother's life but also the lives of my friends. The weight of my mistakes weighed heavily on my shoulders, and I felt lost in a mess I didn't know how to clean up.

In the midst of my thoughts, my phone rang, and I saw Ken Kun's name on the caller ID. Taking a deep breath, I wiped away my tears and answered the call.

"Ken Kun, is something the matter? Why did you call me?" I inquired, trying to sound composed.

"Hey, Y/n chan. Tomorrow is Baji's funeral. I wanted to let you know," Ken Kun's voice came through the phone.

"Everyone in Toman will be there. You should come too," he added before ending the call. I placed my phone down, my heart heavy with mixed emotions.

Attending Baji's funeral was the least I could do to pay my respects, even though the thought of going outside alone filled me with fear. Still, it was my last chance to see him, and I knew I had to gather the courage to say my final goodbye.


It's already time with a heavy heart, I prepared myself for Baji Kun's funeral. Dressed in a somber all-black attire, I walked downstairs, each step carrying a mixture of sadness and trepidation. As I approached the door, I hesitated, reminding myself that it was daytime and nothing untoward could possibly happen in the broad daylight.

Taking a deep breath, I stepped out and started making my way to the location of the funeral. As I neared the place, I heard someone calling out my name. The sound startled me, making me feel as though my soul had momentarily jumped out of my body.

Turning around, I saw Ken Kun approaching me. My heart raced, and I felt a strange mix of emotions. Despite the fact that it was Ken Kun and nothing to be afraid of, a part of me felt on edge, as if I were constantly expecting something bad to happen.

Ken Kun's warm smile and familiar face did ease my anxiety to some extent. He greeted me, "Y/n chan, it's good to see you."

Though I attempted to return the greeting, my voice came out slightly shaky, "H-hi, Ken Kun."

Ken Kun's gaze softened, understanding the weight of the situation. "Something bothering you?" He asked, I told him it was nothing.

We walked together towards the venue of the funeral, his presence offering a sense of comfort amid the swirling emotions within me. As we approached the somber gathering, I braced myself to face the finality of it all—the reality that Baji Kun was gone and that I needed to confront the consequences of my actions.


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