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It was a matter of the utmost delicacy to simply know certain things. That being said, the certain thing was the coincidence of knowing that Reginald Watson, a man in himself that was proud of his personal background, was in London a week after the powers of the final problem at Sherrinford had advanced and succeeded up to a certain degree.

A week living in the hospital had calmed Amelia somewhat. She no longer had the exterior of seething anger but that wasn't to say that she had banished the emotion out of herself completely...

She just hid it well.

For Amelia, she had a lot of things to be angry about. Irene Adler was the main concern considering that she made a deal with the youngest Holmes sibling to trade Tobias Rudolph Chad Holmes to Eurus as a peace offering in exchange for her own life.

That led to the next thing to be fuming towards as well. Amelia, as Mycroft and Allison would know it to be if they didn't get to her in time, would of succeeded in torturing and probably killing Eurus Holmes. After all, Eurus was the reason everything happening that was prioritised as bad evolving around Amelia had actually happened.

She didn't feel sorry for Jonathan Wood by any means, even if he was reprogrammed and fixed up to Eurus' standards. It still didn't excuse the despicable things he had done to her. The rape in America that caused her to fall pregnant with Viola from the tender age of nineteen and giving birth at twenty, the harassment she had endured five years later and obviously, the second attempt of rape against her and attempted murder that had happened a little over two years ago when she was a high concern and a matter of the heart to a man like Mycroft Holmes.

When she was a cleaner for Maids Of Cleaning LTD.

It was the luckiest thing to of ever happened to her that changed her life for the better overall.

Amelia found it odd in herself that she was still jealous of Lady Smallwood considering that she is nothing to Mycroft but it was her downfall. She decided to herself that she would never bother ever correcting herself and her volatile emotions when it concerned and revolved around her dashing man of a husband, Alexander Mycroft Chad Holmes because what was the point?

He was hers and hers alone... The Legal Blonde-headed Holmes.


Amelia's belongings had been transferred to the Kensington manor from Eaton Square as well as a silver-cross pram being delivered to St Bartholomew's for Tobias' benefit.

Amelia was feeling better overall and it would appear that the little ginger haired boy had picked up on it too for as she placed a clean nappy onto his naked tushy, she noticed a little smile painting her son's face.

Laughing softly, she leaned over Tobias layed over the bed with pillows surrounding his form, a few strands of her hair falling freely away from her messy bun, she spoke, "Baby Holmes, you're not supposed to be smiling yet."

Upon hearing his mother speak, he opened his piercing blue doe eyes and reached his chubby hand up to grasp her face whilst giggling. "You're not supposed to be laughing yet as well, you know?" She rhetorically spoke whilst cupping his small hand to her cheek and kissing it sweetly. "I suppose you're right, Toby. Who am I to state what you should and shouldn't be doing. You are a Holmes after all." She stated whilst picking him up from under his arms to blow raspberries onto his clothed belly before holding him carefully onto her hip. "This seems fair. Viola is a daddy's girl whilst you, little one, you are a mummy's boy, aren't you? Yes, you are." She gushed enthusiastically whilst gently tickling Tobias' ribs.

She adored her son's laugh and cried a little whilst being overwhelmed. Her emotions were still heightened after all. "Shall we go see Grandad Reginald? I think you'll enjoy his stories from the Navy." She spoke softly whilst placing him in the pram, wrapped up warm. "Then afterwards, we can go see daddy and get you registered." She told the young boy whilst wrapping her coat around her form and slinging her handbag over her right shoulder.

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