Heartbroken Hyungnim

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"Did hyungnim give up lady Yoon". Bogum-gun asked this question one afternoon while having lunch with crown prince Yi Kang.

Bogum-gun saw Yi Kang stop sipping the soup. Yi Kang's eyes stared at him now.

"I heard that the selection for the crown princess has started. You didn't tell Lady Yoon about your identity at all, did you?"

"Why should I explain my identity to her? We don't have any relationship," said Yi Kang. Now he is busy playing with kimchi with his chopsticks.

Yi Kang's face was very irritated. Bogum-gun snorted.

"Hyungnim, you don't need to pretend in front of me. I saw you and Lady Yoon hugging on the beach. You guys even held hands together. And I saw three days ago you playing with sea shells, are those sea shells that Lady Yoon grilled? Hyungnim took one for memento ?"

Yi Kang stares at Bogum-gun in disbelief.

"You saw us..."

Bogum-gun just nodded. He wanted to say that Minister Park also witnessed the hug between his brother and Lady Yoon. But seeing Yi Kang's panicked, he can't do it.

After several months as a cohort, Bogum-gun has become close to his older brother. They know more about each other's lives, so they were understand each other much more.

Bogum-gun knows his brother's feelings for lady Cheongha are not just passing feelings. His brother likes her more than he thought.

Bogum-gun's belief is not without reason. Yesterday there was a report about corruption in the northern province. He saw his brother smiling happily. Which person is happy to see a corruption report? After Bogum-gun did some research, it turned out that the person who wrote it with surnamed Yoon.

Seeing Yoon's name alone can make his brother smile.

Another occasion is when Yi Kang rewarded the inspector for solving big cases. Suddenly his brusque brother chuckled. He complimented the inspector named Cheong, telling him he had a pretty name. His brother only realized what he was doing when Bogum-gun gave him a warning look.

As crown prince, Yi Kang was responsible for marrying the crown princess chosen by the elders. He knows he can't choose a woman at will.

Bogum-gun knows that Yi Kang doesn't seem to care about the crown princess selection because whoever becomes the crown princess is no different to him. Therefore, no one talked about the crown princess selection in his brother's palace. His brother made it forbidden to speak about crown princess selection.

Bogum-gun notices the crown princess selection reminds Yi Kang of Lady Yoon. His brother just wanted to escape from reality. The reality was that he couldn't have the woman he loved.

"Lady Yoon is from the nobility. If hyungnim wants her, hyungnim can go find her and tell her your true identity."

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