Hyungnim Mini-Me

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Life after the failed rebellion and the passing of Debi-mama had taken a positive turn, a very positive one from the perspective of Bogum-gun. Instead of being entangled in power struggles and getting embroiled in court conflicts, the ministers were now engrossed in their own tasks. While a touch of tension was customary in a royal court, there were no major controversies at the moment. His father, His Majesty the King, had started delegating more responsibilities to the crown prince, which occasionally prompted his elder brother to let out frustrated sighs.

His elder brother, Crown Prince Yi Kang, had embraced fatherhood recently. The birth of a baby boy by the crown princess seven months ago had solidified his brother's position as the crown prince. Bogum-gun had never witnessed his brother as elated as he had been since becoming a father. His brother had transformed into a veritable chatterbox whenever he spoke about his newborn son.

"What qualities are you seeking in a wife?" inquired the crown prince.

Here it was again. Bogum-gun felt as though this question echoed through every interaction he had with his family. Among the princes, he was the only one who resided outside the palace and had yet to tie the knot. Bogum-gun narrowed his gaze at his elder brother.

"The question actually came from my wife," the crown prince explained.

Bogum-gun let out a wry snort. "Why is everyone so preoccupied with my single status? Did our mother enlist Bingung-mama to keep tabs on me through you, Hyungnim?"

"Don't point fingers at her. You're her only son. Nearly all our eligible brothers are already married. Some are even expecting children," remarked the crown prince.

Bogum-gun released a deep, ponderous sigh. Naturally, he also harbored the desire to be wed. However, he resisted the notion of being matched with just any arbitrary young woman arranged by the elders. He couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy for the affectionate relationship shared by the crown prince and his wife. He yearned for a similar deep connection with his future partner.

"What qualities are you seeking in a woman? I can have my wife assist your mother in selecting a suitable match according to your preferences," proposed the crown prince.

"Like your wife?" Bogum-gun retorted.

The crown prince arched an eyebrow in surprise. "Excuse me?"

Bogum-gun let out a derisive snort upon witnessing his elder brother's perplexed expression. "Don't give me that look. I simply desire someone I can engage in meaningful conversations with and who would adore me as much as Bingung-mama adores you," he stated.

"That's..." the crown prince hesitated.

Bogum-gun nodded thoughtfully. "Indeed, it's no easy task. I understand."

A rosy hue tinted the crown prince's cheeks. "Perhaps you should venture outdoors frequently. I encountered my wife while purchasing medicine for my brother," he suggested.

"Well, I do wander around quite often. But luck hasn't favored me with an encounter like that," Bogum-gun remarked.

"How about arranging a tea party and inviting numerous young ladies from the capital? We could casually drop in for a brief period. It would provide you an opportunity to interact with various women," the crown prince suggested.

Bogum-gun's lips curled into a smirk. "People might assume you're seeking concubines."

His elder brother shot him an irritated look. "That's absurd. I've already made it clear that I have no intention of bringing any woman into the palace as a consort, especially after releasing those ladies from the crown princess selection."

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