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Bogum-gun found himself trapped in a nightmarish reality within the palace walls. He longed to wake up from this haunting tale of family betrayal. His grandmother, Debi-mama, had never been a good person, and he had known that for a long time. She didn't value the bonds of family as something precious. But what she had orchestrated against Uiseong-gun was beyond his wildest imagination. How could a woman make her own grandson kill his own father? It was a level of cruelty that shook Bogum-gun to the core.

He despised Uiseong-gun, that much was true. But he also felt a sense of pity for him. Uiseong-gun had always been Debi-mama's favorite grandchild. Did she not feel anything when she plotted to use him as a tool for such a heinous act?

For a whole week, the palace was in a state of heightened security, following strict protocols. Lady Yoon had been occupied with matters concerning the rebels, and his brother had handed him  Uichang documents to examine during this critical time. He was unaware of what was happening outside and had only managed to venture out today. Determined to find out the truth, he decided to meet her brother.

"Is my brother not inside?" Bogum-gun inquired, addressing one of the eunuchs guarding the crown prince's palace.

"Ah... The crown prince is staying with Bingung-mama these days," the eunuch replied.

Bogum-gun simply nodded, the gravity of the treasonous chaos overshadowing the heart-wrenching situation his older brother faced with losing a child. He could only imagine the devastation his brother must be feeling. After all, Bogum-gun knew just how much his brother and Lady Yoon had been eagerly anticipating the arrival of their little one. "Then I will come back some other time," he said, turning to make his way back to his own residence.

"Wait, Mama... Jeoha had said that if you came, we should notify him. Please wait in the study," the eunuch called out. He quickly commanded another eunuch to inform the crown prince and welcome Bogum-gun into the study.

Shortly after Bogum-gun stepped into the study, Crown Prince Yi Kang sauntered into the room, his face etched with exhaustion." Are you waiting for long?" he asked, his voice carrying a weariness.

Bogum-gun shook his head. "Not really. How are you, Hyungnim?" he inquired, genuine concern lacing his words.

"It's alright. Our elders have caused so much chaos. I'm so tired of dealing with it," the crown prince grumbled, his frustrations evident. He sat in the crown prince's seat and leaned back in exhaustion.

Bogum-gun attempted to lighten the mood, offering a teasing remark. "At least you have Bingung-mama to comfort you. I heard you spend your time over there. Remember, Hyungnim, for a twenty-year-old, no more than once every three days," he jested.

The crown prince blushed, disconcerted by his brother's playful comment. "Don't speak nonsense. She is pregnant," he confessed.

"Eh... That fast? You really don't waste your time when it comes to getting her pregnant," Bogum-gun quipped, a wide smile spreading across his face.

The crown prince shook his head, mustering a weak smile. "No... There was no misdiagnosis. She is truly pregnant," he clarified.

"What? Then why..." Bogum-gun trailed off, unable to find the right words.

"Someone doesn't want great-grandchildren from me," the crown prince replied, a grim expression clouding his face.

"Debi mama? What did she do?" Bogum-gun blurted out, his eyes wide with disbelief.

"She wanted to poison my wife," said The crown prince, his voice dropping to an icy, cold tone.

"She what?" Bogum-gun exclaimed, his shock reverberating through the room.

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