june 6th, 1960

9 0 0

dear neil,

another long pause. just four more days and it would have been a month since the last time i'd written to you.

i'll catch you up on how everyone is doing.

charlie: hasn't written to us in months. i've lost count.

cameron: forgiven by everyone now. he can't stop crying about how bad he feels. he's had to go through this basically alone, and you can tell he's been repressing it.

pitts: he's fine. you can tell he's having trouble moving on, though. he comes to me crying every so often, about you. i have to keep reminding him that it's not his fault. i have to keep reminding myself the same thing.

knox: him and chris seem to be talking again. it could be a "just friends" thing, though.

meeks: he says he's fine, but he's definitely not.

me: i miss you like hell. i miss the feeling of your hands on my shoulders, i miss the feeling of your soft, supple lips on mine. i miss the feeling of putting my head on your chest and being able to hear your heartbeat. all in all, i can't stop thinking about you.

everyone else is mostly okay. we're still always thinking about you.

i can't sleep without you near me,

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