may 28, 1961

12 0 0

dear neil,
something terrible has happened.

simon found the last letter i wrote you.

he confronted me about it, and asked me if the thing about everyone hating him was true. hating him as much as i do, i, of course, said yes. 

he tried to tackle me, but i moved. then, he managed to actually tackle me. he started punching me repeatedly, and all i could do was scream. luckily, knox was also there, and he heard me. he pushed him off of me, and onto the floor while pitts went to grab hager. he screamed several derogatory terms at me while trying to attack me further, knox holding him back. 

hager walked in, saw the chaos, and he shouted at simon. 

then, simon, being the asshole he is, broke free from knox, and grabbed the letter from my desk. he handed it to hager and complained about how i "slandered" him. hager takes the letter, and tells us to leave as soon as possible. 

i don't know what's going to happen.

help me,

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