Letter to Welton Academy Administration from Mrs. Francine Anderson

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Mrs. Francine Anderson
7 June 1961

Members of the Welton Academy Administrative Committee and the Board of Student Safety,

I recently received your letter regarding the disciplinary actions being administered to my child, Todd Hayden Anderson, in lieu of the events that occurred in the afternoon of the twenty-eighth of May, nineteen-sixty-one.

When I received the aforementioned letter, I was prepared to discipline Todd myself. However, when Todd returned home with several bruises on his face, neck, chest, and arms, I had a change of heart.

The decision that was made is unacceptable and needs to be reversed immediately, or refuted.

Let it be known that I am not afraid to press charges against Simon Banks and his family, and sue Welton Academy itself for child endangerment. My child was brutally abused by Simon, and the fact that he was not disciplined in any way and was allowed to continue attending school is disgraceful. I have a lawyer on hand who will be contacted in the event that this decision is not reversed, and Todd is not given compensation for the abuse he has endured.

I see no reason why Todd was disciplined in any way for this situation. You have 30 days to justly reverse this decision. After that point, legal action will be taken.

Mrs. Francine Louise Anderson.
7 June 1961.

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