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"Hey hey hey."

Liam Lawson greeted his friend with a small smile and a fist bump, before he allowed his arm to wrap loosely around her shoulder so that she could lean against him.

"How's my favorite New Zealander?"

Alice Kim questioned her friend with a smirk, knowing full well that there was another Kiwi literally right next to her.

"I'm good. I've booked tickets for you to Auckland." Liam chuckled, seeing the side eye glances that she gave to the other driver from New Zealand, Marcus Armstrong.

"Awww that's so sweet of you!" Alice mocked in a high pitched voice, seeing the Armstrong man roll his eyes at her.

"You two done now? Can I get my hug? I've been waiting for like, three hours."

Marcus Armstrong spoke impatiently, his foot tapping on the ground whilst he stood with his arms folded in front of his chest.

"Marcyyy, you should have just said so." The Kim girl laughed before she barrelled in to the brown haired man, feeling his chest swell with happiness since he was finally getting the hug that he had waited patiently for.

"Auckland isn't that great, anyway." Marcus played it off with a shrug, failing to notice the eye contact that the other two were sharing, of which was teasing and mocking.

"Just because you live in London now, it doesn't mean you can slag off my country." The Lawsom boy teased his friend, hearing a playful scoff leaving his lips.

"It's my country too!"

"Nah mate. You've been brainwashed by the British, you're one of them." Liam laughed, hearing the gentle giggles of the Kim girl beside him.

"Oh yeah? Who brainwashed me?"


Alice wiggled her eyebrows up and down smugly as she mentioned the guy who she had only met once or twice but who was always nice to her. She didn't really know Max Fewtrell that well, but the others did so that was enough for her.

"That's fair actually." Marcus chuckled, a smile forming on his face which seemed to grow when he heard the laughter of the Kim girl too.

"Oh, we know."

"Oh Alice, what's happening with your parents? Are they coming to a race again or was it just that one time?"

"Don't have a clue." Alice spoke nonchantly. "Mom is doing business in Talinn, and my dad keeps travelling to different countries every two days. So I doubt it."

The two New Zealanders exchanged a glance with one another, a look of understanding passing through them, knowing that it meant that Alice would be without her parents for a while longer.

"Wanna stay with me for a little while then?" Liam questioned as the three of them walked towards some of their friends. "I've still got your spare clothes at my place so you can stay with me and don't need to stress about using a washing machine again."

"Hey! That was one time!"

Alice whined lightly, nudging the shoulder of the blonde who playfully patted her on the top of her head to annoy her.

"You can stay with me." Marcus proposed, seeing the girl immediately raise her eyebrows at him.

"And risk Max brainwashing me? Nuh-uh."


A loud voice sounded from behind the trio, making the three of them jolt in surprise, turning to see a familiar face running full speed towards the girl who was stood in the middle.

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