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Alice Kim was trying to find her best friend, Clément Novalak.

The key word being trying.

The French boy had taken her to a Formula four race and had since disappeared, vanishing in thin air as if he was a rabbit in a magicians hat, so the young girl was searching for him so that she was not alone.

Stupid things tended to happen when she was by herself, so she knew that she would need to find the Novalak boy before she ended up dying a stupid way or being kidnapped by a stranger.

Her eyes narrowed as she swore that she had just seen the back of his stupid head enter a garage, and walked towards it, expecting to see him there but instead found a different person.

Instead of Clément Novalak, she found another boy, younger than her with dark brown curls covering his entire head and a slight smile on his lips which seemed rather uncomfortable but them again, she had just walked straight in to a garage that was not hers.

"Uh, hi?"

The boy spoke, his accent sounding familiar to an Italian accent, youth flooding in to her ears at how young he sounded.

"You haven't seen Clément Novalak, have you? Formula two driver, a big head, beard, was wearing Daniel Ricciardo merch?"

Alice questioned the boy, who thought about it for a couple of moments, before shaking his head from side to side, shrugging his shoulders.

"No, sorry." The boy apologised. "Maybe try Maya? She tends to notice things more than I do."

Alice nodded her head up and down as she listened to his words, knowing that she would have to search the whole track for her friend.

"Thanks, and if you say him, say that Alice is looking for him and wants to kill him for abandoning me." Alice smiled as she was about to walk away, hearing him shout after her.

"I will! And my name is Kimi!"

"Thanks for your help, dude!"

Alice ran around the entire paddock searching for Clem, including garages and there was only one garage left for her to search, with the Korean girl heading towards the garage at speed.

She knew that if Clem was not in this garage, that he had most likely left her, which meant that she would have to call her back up, Liam, to come and stay with her since she knew that he was not too far away, having breakfast.

As her feet stepped in to the last garage for her to search, her phone burst to life, its ringtone sounding loudly that it made her head hurt, with the Kim girl quickly accepting the call when she noticed who it was that was calling her.

"Where the hell are you?"

Alice raised her voice as she shouted in to her phone, since she had spent over an hour searching for the very same person that was now calling her.

"I'm stuck! I got locked in the toilet and I've been shouting for help but nobody can hear me!"

Clément Novalak screamed desperately in to his phone, since he had tried to escape from the toilet where he was trapped but found that he couldn't. He didn't even know how long it had been since he had first became trapped.

"Which garage are you in?" Alice asked since she knew that she would be the only one who wpuld be able to help the French man since everybody else would be busy getting ready for the race.

"A red one!" Clément shouted, since he had not payed attention to which garage he was going in to, he had just needed the toilet. All he knew was that it was red.

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