Chapter 5 - Valentine Birthday

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The next week passed in general good spirits. After wallowing in sorrow during the weekend, the Slytherins had regrouped and focused their combined attention on making the upcoming Hogsmeade weekend the best they ever had. The fact that it coincided with Valentine's Day just seemed a further encouragement, particularly to the girls.

Blaise hated Valentine's Day. Absolutely abhorred it and the only woman who had and ever would receive a gift from him on that day, was his mother. No one else.

His relationship with Daphne, if one could even call it that, had cooled considerably since the Slughorn Christmas Party. Going from a lukewarm date benefit to, what he had perceived as a mutual understanding to simply forget all about it entirely. It had therefore genuinely surprised him when Daphne had given him deliberate hints to go to Madame Puddifoot's Teashop together. When he told her, he'd rather be Crucio'ed than go in there, she had stormed off and given him death stares for the rest of the week.

This in turn had led to more bickering and questioning from Parkinson. And Blaise was now a hair's breadth away from transfiguring the nuance of a girl into a Flobberworm. He would finally get some peace and he honestly doubted whether Malfoy would even notice.

When Nott had suggested that they would all go to The Three Broomsticks together, Blaise had agreed to come along. He would never say no to the cosy pub, especially if he could charm Madame Rosmerta into something serving stronger. And so even he felt content at the end of the week, looking forward to the outing.

Looking back, as he sat lazily in the Great Hall, enjoying his breakfast before class on Friday, he could see that his well made guard was completely down. He doubted therefore whether the combined efforts of the Wrackspurts, karma and fate had truly been necessary, but regardless, they had stricken him once again. His obsidian eyes had swept the Ravenclaw table this morning, without seeing her. But now, finally, the moon herself gave an appearance, and she fucking glowed.

Despite wearing her normal Ravenclaw uniform, she had woven stars into her long pale hair. Red radishes dangled from her ears and several necklaces jingled, one of which was her trusty Butterbeer cork necklace. She looked so happy, Blaise wasn't sure why the rest of the school hadn't all stopped to stare at her. But he apparently was the only fool, until he saw that the Weasley girl, Potter, Granger and Longbottom all came to greet her at the Ravenclaw table, giving her hugs, which, if possible, made her light up even more. Merlin's beard.

"Happy Birthday Luna!" He heard Weasley say first as the rest gave their congratulations. "I know it's a Valentine's weekend, but we thought it would be nice to have at least a Butterbeer together tomorrow to celebrate."

"Oh that is so kind of you. I would love that." She told them, beaming at her friends.

Blaise felt as if an Abraxan had first swung his heart into the air before trampling it thoroughly. He, stupidly enough, felt elated that she had friends who cared about her, even if she was the most mystifying student to ever walk through Hogwarts. But at the same time he realised that seeing her at Hogsmeade would now be unavoidable. And there was no way he would be able to relax around his classmates if she was so close to him, being so darned happy. And then another feeling hit him. Was it jealousy or sadness? Because there was no way he would be able to celebrate with her, ever, and make her smile at him that way. Unless of course he would risk the wrath of his entire house on both of them, which would lead to the complete and utter degradation of his family name in Pureblood Wizarding society and put safety in jeopardy. And he could not, would not, take that risk.

"Great!" He heard Potter say, "We managed to get our gifts past Filch. Would you mind if we gave them tomorrow?"

"No of course not. I never had such a large birthday party before. I am excited!"

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