Chapter 1: A Silent Boy and a Silent Girl

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I wake up, tired as hell, and wanting to go back to sleep. I get out of bed and stretch, feeling some of my bones pop. I hop in the shower, brush my teeth, and put on school clothes. I look out my window and notice that it rained hard last night. Guess all I have to worry about while walking to school is getting wet...

After eating an apple for breakfast, I exit my house and make the walk to school. It's the same everyday, as you would imagine. Nothing interesting ever happens, but sometimes I wish that something would happen...

After about 10 minutes, I reach the school and I am almost late because I take my precious time in the mornings and I love to oversleep, but that doesn't matter because my grades are good enough. I don't have any friends. I'm the school's "loner" you could say, but I love being by myself, with no one to bother me...

I walk through the doors and enter the school and I head to my class. As I am sitting in the back, waiting for the teacher, I hear some other students start talking about some new transfer students, and apparently they are quintuplets. That's cool and all, but I don't really care. I just want peace and quiet...

Suddenly, our teacher, Mrs. Myoga, enters the classroom, with 5 girls trailing behind her...

Mrs. Myoga: "Class, I would like to introduce you all to the Nakano Quintuplets, who will be in this class with you all for the rest of the year."

She turns to the quintuplets...

Mrs. Myoga: "Please, all of you introduce yourselves..."

*Suddenly, one of them, a orange-haired girl with a green ribbon in her hair, steps forward...

Yotsuba: "Hello! I am Yotsuba Nakano! I hope that we can all be friends!"

She bows, and I can tell, oh boy, some of the delinquents like her already... I bet these 5 girls will have a GREAT time this year!

The others introduce themselves. Their names are Ichika, who has short, pink hair and a yellow jacket wrapped around her waist, Nino, who has long, pink hair that have ribbons and them that remind me of butterflies, and Itsuki, who has red hair and she has star hairpins in it...

I can see that all the delinquents like Ichika the most, and I can see why. But still, I find them creepy...

There is one girl who hasn't introduced herself yet... and she catches my attention...

She has medium-length brown hair that has some red mixed in it, and she also has bangs. She has one strand of hair across the middle of her head that slowly goes to the side, and it creates a sort of barrier between her eyes. She also has a pair of blue headphones around her neck. She looks... cute...

I notice that she seems super shy, like she doesn't want to say anything...

Mrs. Myoga: "Miku... introduce yourself..."

Miku... that's her name... it's cute...

Miku: "I am Miku Nakano..."

*She says it so quietly that you can hardly hear her...

Mrs. Myoga: Alright. You five find somewhere to sit...

They all find somewhere to sit, but Miku... decides to sit by me, and I see a lot of the delinquents look pissed at the fact that Miku is sitting by me...

I double check to see if Miku is actually sitting by me, and sure enough, she is...

I can feel the stares of a lot of jealous boys in the class, and I get kind of nervous...

I see that Miku notices it too, and she starts to get even more nervous... I decide to get out my notebook and I write something on a pave. I then tear the page out, fold it up, and give it to Miku.

Silent Obsession (Yandere Miku Nakano X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now