Chapter 2: The Awakening

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Aku: "Miku, just so you know, Y/N has Asperger's Syndrome!"

I put my head down in shame, and Miku looks at me, as she wasn't expecting that...

Miku: "Do you really?"

Y/N: "Yes, I do..."

Miku looks at me and surprise, and she smiles...

Miku: "That doesn't change the fact that you are my friend..."

I look at her, and my jaw drops. Everytime someone heard that I had Asperger's Disorder, they would usually make fun of me for it, so I never told anyone I had it, but everyone in the school knows because somehow some shithead leaked my damn medical files and I don't know what I did to him to make him do that...

Aku looks shocked that Miku doesn't really care that I have Asperger's, so he looks at me, scowls, and sits back down. Wow. Pathetic.

Miku: "So... what's it like living with Asperger's?"

Y/N: "Well, it's hard to socialize with people and sometimes I act a little weird or awkward, but I've gotten used to it. I can handle it pretty well. One thing I don't like though is that movies portray it as some superpower or as some disorder that turns you into a complete retard, and both are wrong..."

Miku: "Yeah, I get what you are saying..."

Wow. Someone finally accepts me for who I am. I'm glad that I'm friends with Miku now...

Mrs. Myoga: "Alright. I want all of you to find a partner for the history project..."

I immediately turn to Miku, and she looks back at me, and I know that we have both decided that we are going to be partners, when suddenly, some delinquents come up to Miku, begging her to be their partner because they think they'll get laid, and Miku starts to get really nervous again...

Y/N: "Hey, me and her are partners. Leave her alone..."

One of the delinquents, named Haru, starts to speak to me...

Haru: "Why would she want to be partners with you? You're an autistic retard..."

I get a little angry, but before I say anything, Miku stands up...

Miku: "Leave him alone! Me and him are partners and he's better than you'll ever be!"

Haru: "Yeah, we'll see about that when you fail your project because of him..."

Miku gets pissed...


Everyone is shocked by what Miku said, as she looks like the person who would never say that...

Mrs. Myoga: "Alright, calm down. Just please sit down and do your projects..."

After Mrs. Myoga turns around and looks away from the class, Haru sits back down when..


Miku slaps Haru across the face. Somehow, no one else saw it except for me, and Haru starts to tear up...

Haru: "Goddamn... YOU'RE FUCKING CRAZY!"

Everyone turns to see Haru, and Miku gets quickly embarrassed and runs out of the classroom...

Miku POV:

I run out of the classroom after what I just did to Haru, but he deserved it. He was messing with Y/N. I don't know why I even escalated things after he stopped, it's like something in my mind told me to...

I go in the girls restroom and hide in one of the stalls...

I feel my heart racing. I feel like what I did was wrong as Haru actually stopped and I escalated things... but it also felt good. I don't know why, but it felt good to hurt someone who was messing with Y/N...

I try to put the pieces together of why this is happening to me, and I feel my heart racing and all I can think about is Y/N and his handsome face. The way he talks, his personality, and everything else about him makes me want to squeal with joy. I think... I'm feeling love towards Y/N.

But... we've only known each other for like 10 minutes. Is it wrong that I am in love with him already?

"No" I say to myself. It's not...

The heart wants what it wants, and mine wants Y/N, and I want to protect him with my life. He's mine, MINE!

Nobody else will hurt my sweet boy again, and if they do, they will pay and I will make them suffer. I will kill for him, I'll do anything to be with him!

I stop myself...

"This isn't like me" I say to myself...

I exit the stall and look in the bathroom mirror. Is this who I am now?

Yes, it is...

And I don't care. I accept these changes, as long as I get to be with Y/N. I want to do so many things with him. I wanna hug him, kiss him, and maybe...

I start giggling out of happiness. Y/N is just so perfect, and no one else will have him. I won't let anyone get in my way on my journey of love. This is the new me. The new Miku Nakano, the one who will protect her crush with her life, and if some people get hurt while I am on my journey of love, so be it...

God, I love him so much...

I look in the mirror, and smile...

My journey of love has begun...

To be continued...

Hey guys, A Legendary Samurai here again. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and also what I plan to do with this series is keep Miku's original traits while also mixing her BRAND NEW LIMITED EDITON YANDERE NATURE in there. Also, if any of you get upset about the Asperger's thing for being "offensive" or something, just so you know, I have Asperger's myself, and I wanted to make a main character with Asperger's. So yeah, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Sorry it was short, but I promise, things are going to start to pick up soon. Anyways, see ya!

Silent Obsession (Yandere Miku Nakano X Male Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon