Chapter 3: Lovesick

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The events of yesterday were... interesting, to say the least. Miku came back in class acting a little weird towards me, but she basically had just had a breakdown in front of the class and her sisters so I get it. I got her phone number and I guess you could say we are friends now...

Anyways, I look outside, and it's a sunny day. I do my usual morning routine but I woke up a bit earlier than usual so I decide to make some breakfast, and all I do is toast with butter because I'm a lazy motherfu-

As I make breakfast for myself, as I live alone, I get a glass full of ice to pour some orange juice in and one of the ice cubes falls on the floor, so I kick it under the fridge...

As I'm doing this, I'm listening to a masterpiece of a song called "Absolute Territory" by Ken Ashcorp...

Ah... such a good song...

After the toast gets done, I spread some butter on it, and I eat the very boring meal I made...

Suddenly, I get a text from Miku...


Good morning!

How are you?

Are you safe?

That's... weird...


Good morning to you too Miku!

I'm good, and yes, I am safe...


Alright then! I can't wait to see you at school!


Me either!


By the way, look outside!

*I look outside, and see Miku waving at me...


Miku POV:


Y/N: "Bye Miku! I'll see you tomorrow!"

Miku: "Alright! I'll see you tomorrow too!"

I watch as the boy I love walks home. I want to walk with him in order to protect him, but I also don't want to worry my sisters...

I then get an idea...

Miku: "Hey guys. I'm going to go to the store down that way to get some stuff that I need..."

My sisters nod, and I begin following my sweet boy...

I keep a considerable distance away from him so that he doesn't notice me following him...

About 8 minutes later, I see him walk into his house, and I keep a mental note of where it is...

I then head home myself, thinking about Y/N, and how I will win his heart...



So Miku knows where my house is... weird...

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