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I'm sure a lot of us know how the story goes. But if you don't, my name is Melony. I remember fighting a war that I didn't want to be a part of, but had to for the sake of my friends. My best friend, Axol, something was controlling him at this time. An entity from another universe, and it was out for our blood. We dont know how this had happened, one minute, we were all hiding from the madness, next thing you know, this happens. Here, let me explain.


Me and my friends, we had fought for hours, trying to get him to snap out of it. Just when the SMG's were using their USB's to neutralize him, he suddenly grabbed my ankle and sent me to this dimension where the real Axol was at, which I assumed was his mindscape. The floor was full of water, but I was able to walk around, and the sky was just a still sunset. I saw that Axol was chained up. Before I was allowed near him, a voice began to speak to me. It sounded like a man's voice, but it was a whisper, and slightly distorted.
"I wondered when you were going to realize where you are. Listen to me closely. I know what you're trying to do, and it won't work."
"What do you mean?"
"You're wanting to save him. All of you do, but you especially. Why is that? What's so special about him to you?"
"Well, not only is he my friend, he's my best friend. He's taught me what it means to be human. What's so special about him to you?"
"He's got potential that he was never able to bare witness to you. He had every opportunity to use this against you folks back at his home town, but he didn't."
"You dont know him. You're just.. A- a ghost, yeah." I told mainly to myself. The voice laughed. "Neither do you. You've only known him for, what, a year?"
"How are you getting this information anyhow?"
"I look through Axol's memories like a movie. He's taken quite a liking to you from what I saw. Lets hope you don't let him down." He chuckled before silencing himself altogether. I crossed my arms, furrowing my eyebrows and letting out a "hmph". I jogged over to Axol, who was in a state of slumber. Observing the chains closely, I summoned my sword. His cold breath began to brush against me as he spoke in a whisper. "Mel.."
I looked at him. "Axol, are you alright?"
"I'm definitely in the mood for a nap, that's for sure.." He chuckled quietly. "But in all seriousness, I think so.."
"I'm gonna try and find a way to free you, alright?"
"Think you can do it..?"
"I can darn well try. I wonder if it'd be possible to cut these chains.."
"I'm not sure.."
"It's worth a shot, is it not?"
I lifted my sword before swinging it at the chains, but they just deflected my weapon. As they did, I swore I could've heard deep laughter coming from behind me, but I paid no attention to it. "Hm, well that didn't work."
"What do you suppose we do?"
I turned to Axol, looking at his arms. The chains seemed to be binding him by the wrists more than the rest of his arms. Thinking about it for a moment, I gripped onto my sword tight. "I have an idea, but I doubt you'll like it."
I could tell that he was getting an idea of what I had planned by the look of his face. He began to mutter. "Shit. Do it, Melony."
I lifted my sword above my head, ready to strike, but as I did, I began to hear voices. Voices of my friends, screaming and shouting at me to stop and think about what I'm doing. Smg4 and 3's voices were overlapping one another, Saiko sounded pissed off, Tari was crying. Those were the only voices that I were actually able to make out. I didnt listen to them. I assumed that the voices were just figments of my imagination, and with two swift swings, his arms fell into the water just like that. And Axol? Well, his screams were loud enough for me to memorize in my dreams to this day. He wasn't bleeding from his wounds, however. He was definitely in pain, though. I saw my surroundings become a pure white for a split second before I blacked out.

Everything Remains (REMASTERED VERSION OF MY SMG4 "WHAT IF?" AU)Where stories live. Discover now