Chapter 4 : Time To Go

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As we went inside, everyone else had woken up. Each of our friends were packing up to leave, except Mario. They noticed us and smiled. Meggy ran to us and gave us a hug.
"There you two are! We thought something took yall away!"
"Yeah, we're okay. Just decided to watch the sunrise."
She let us go. "Good thing you guys didn't get hurt. Anyway, we're coming up with a plan for what we need to do now. We've got Mario a hiding spot, so now we just gotta figure out where Zero could be at now and how to really defeat him."
"We were doing really well last we fought him." I added. "Maybe if we fight him all at once like we did before or maybe even better than before, we may have a chance at defeating him. Except Axol can't really fight, and who knows where his Inkweaver went."
"It should still be in my pocket."
"Even while you were possessed??"
"Yeah, why?"
"Nothing, nothing. Just sorta questioning the logic of that."
"Was there ever any logic here?" Axol laughed. It seemed like he wanted to say something else, but refrained. I reached into his pants pockets, and sure enough, the Inkweaver, in its small form, was in his left pocket. I nodded in confirmation and placed it back. I then began to think about how he could possibly fight alongside us without arms. "Meggy, is there any way we can give him new arms?"
"There is a thing called prosthetics. When people lose limbs, whether it be legs or arms, they can get 'new' ones to replace their old ones. Why?"
"I dont want him feeling useless while we're all fighting."
Axol smiled warmly at my statement. Smg3 began to speak. "I dont think we really have enough time to look for a prosthetic shop-"
Suddenly, something bumped on the window. We all stared at it for several seconds in shock.
"Sooo, is someone gonna check that?" Mario asked.
"I will." Saiko said as she grabbed her large hammer and walked outside. Once she came back inside, she held up a pair of prosthetic arms with a look of confusion on her face.
"Coincidentally, it was just metal arms."
"Oh. That's strange. Wonder who did that?"
Meggy crossed her arms. "Who wants to bet it was that guy we met yesterday?"
Almost everyone raised their hands.
"Well, next time we see him, we should thank him. If it was actually him, anyway."
I decided to look out that window to see if I can see anything. I was able to catch a glimpse of a figure in the woods, but they disappeared before I could get a better look. I looked back at the others. They seemed to be attaching the arms onto him already. They seemed to fit really good on him. Axol moved his fingers around, watching in awe.
"Wow. This feels weird."
"You'll get used to it eventually."
I walked back over to them, smiling. Smg4 turned to Mario. "Well Mario, we'll see you later. Good luck, we'll come back later to check on you."
"I'll definitely try." Mario saluted to us like a soldier.
"Be sure to barricade the doors and hide if you suspect something dangerous is out there!" Tari shouted.
"Yeah yeah, I will. Just go, save the world!"
We all waved to him as we departed. The groans and moans of the monsters became more apparent as the blood red sun rose more and more. We were going to have to be quick if we wanted to come and go unscathed.

Everything Remains (REMASTERED VERSION OF MY SMG4 "WHAT IF?" AU)Where stories live. Discover now