Chapter 14 : Negative Atmosphere

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It definitely took a bit of time and a ton of effort to get through the application process,  but in the end, me and Meggy were eligible to go! The school year began after a while, and we made our way there with no hesitation. There was just one thing that made me a bit discomforted when we got there. The school didn't feel full, and whoever was there were quiet and didn't feel very happy to be there. I suspected this was because of what had happened a month prior. Maybe not even suspect, I knew. Meggy had a map in her hand and led me to my class. When we did get to my class, we saw that a few of our friends had joined us as well. A bit confusing, considering as far as we were aware, they didn't take the exam that was needed to get in, but we brushed it off. However, I noticed that Axol didn't join them. I was a bit disappointed, but I didn't let it get to me. My first day in this "power class" wasn't very productive. On the second day, as I was heading to class, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Niles behind me. This time, he wore the long sleeved shirt that I previously saw wrapped around his waist. He smiled. "Hey, watermelon lady."
"First off, my name's Melony. And hey. Why are you here?"
"I go to college here. It really does feel good to be back."
"Oh, so you've been here."
"Yep. Hope they don't put my absences on my record."
He chuckles quietly. I laughed as well, but then I noticed something about him. Remember when I mentioned that he was missing an arm last I saw him? Well, that wasn't the case. An arm was there now. I felt my heart drop slightly. I wasn't necessarily scared, but just confused.
"You okay? You look like you've seen a ghost?"
I snapped back and shook my head.
"Oh no, I'm good."
"Ah, okay. Cool."
Niles scratches his chin.
"Well, I gotta get to class. See you at lunch."
I nodded and watched as he walked past me. As I walked to my next class, I noticed some students staring out of a window showing the outside world. I decided to look out as well, curiosity having gotten the better of me. I had failed to mention something that was on my mind ever since the month prior. Even if the skies had once again turned blue, those giant hands never disappeared. But they never bothered to make Strikers. They remained in a dormant state, hands clutched to each other in a prayer-like pose. It oddly felt hypnotizing to watch, but I quickly continued my trip to my class.

Everything Remains (REMASTERED VERSION OF MY SMG4 "WHAT IF?" AU)Where stories live. Discover now