ptsd in the road

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As I mentioned the PTSD has been in the road so many goddamn times in the past few weeks that I've been with Brian. But that's because he's a pain in the ass in the first place I called the annoyance that's my nickname for it the annoyance. Because it annoys me more than anything else in enrages me that is in my brain infecting my brain as if a devil is infecting my brain. Causing me to act like a shithead in the first place.   And I'm very lucky that Brian is able to understand and see where I'm coming from in this situation of life where I'm going through problems cause he's had friends that had the same crap as well as him.   
Now the only thing that's standing in between me and Brian is the PTSD which I would like to give a good swat too. Because I am getting annoyed with the PTSD in the middle of the road getting in the middle of everything I do. Even though I have conquered it mostly it still gets in the way of some things particularly relationships or friendships sometimes it's very annoying..
And it doesn't happen to help when you have Asperger's as well as the PTSD. In fact it's very aggravating nonetheless. Having two road runners in the middle of the road that you'd like to run over if you were to put it that way. And if you ever seen the Looney Tunes the road liner always wins in this case so this is gonna be a pain in the ass for me to get rid of those particular road runner or annoyance that I've been wanting to kill for a long time kill off in my brain for a long time the PTSD at least. The Asperger's iPhone is more of a gift and a blessing than anything else but the PTSD hast to go down the toilet.
He's here that he was the 13 one he was diagnosed with ass burgers and the same thing with me only when I was 13 but obviously we live in parallel Universal's practically. Where were we might as  will be talking to a mirror or texting or writing on her phone in front of a mirror it's very interesting how this can work.
The only thing that stands in the road as I said is the PTSD I've been trying my damn this to get rid of that thing in my road for a long time I've kicked it punched it your name it I've written over it drawn on it tattooed over it and even as far as one is close as it played instruments but it was so annoying that it still stands like that annoying weed in your garden that you want to get rid of it's a picture of a weed that you wanna get rid of it. and as I said there's only one herbicide for that kind of weed the PTSD or annoyance as I Collett and that is through killing it through either crystals like healing crystals or FYI worse comes to worse medical marijuana I hope not that but that might be the case because I am getting pissed off with my brain.  
I don't like to talk bad about myself but in this case the PTSD has to go I'm not all around the ECE or anyone for that matter off of kill Bill even though it's my favourite movie. I had also his favourite movie as well. But anyways I think it's because we both have PTSD that's why it's our favourite movie. Only he's a purebred white guy and I am in Asian white Arab max which is fine with me. It just makes my children a lot better looking one day.
I end up finding out that he also has the same struggles as I said with PTSD and Asperger's I don't like to mention this private stuff but anyway that's what I was. And he understands completely that's why he's like religious profit to me always being religious not religious but forgiving and understanding and caring. Because he understands what I go through every goddamn day of my life.
But the thing in the road still hast to go it's gotten to the point where I had to get a pair of Chinese rice balls it glow in the dark. As well as other things that I had to do is I'm starting a organite pyramid collection I have two of them already but need a couple more because of my PTSD I just wanna lame Bayside bastard like a hell of a thing.
I told him all about my past and what shit it has caused me. Is very unusual that I am able to talk to someone about my shitty past. That I'm able to say what I have to say and not be judged.
It's important not to be judged by someone in love or did I just buy anyone I find this is something different that I have not experienced before because I always afraid that people are going to judge me even though I'm a nonconformist don't give a shit golf girl kind of thing is still like go fuck yourself if you want judge me you don't know me kind of thing. And he understands that completely because he's been drugged before as well. But as I said the thing in the middle of the road PTSD it's got to go.
So I wanted to say that the PTSD has to go sometime I know it is a chronic illness but it has to go sometime I ain't going nowhere but it is. 
He is also had a few things in the road as well in his life as well mental health and physical healthwise that have made me wonder where we assigned to each other in the first place. Unsolved mysteries will return after this message.

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