Chapter 3: You Were Drugged

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Previously On The Scarlett Age...

Ryan: (Shifts out of Deadpool) (Looks up laughing as lightning strikes repeatedly against the sidewalk)

Dana: (Wakes cover in blood, dirt, and water)

Ryan: State your name.

Dana: I'm Dana.

Ryan: What are you back for?

Dana: Revenge.

Ryan: Against who?

Dana: Scarlett and Crissy Johansson.

Ryan: (Smiles)

Dana: (Appears in the yard) (Walks towards Crissy) (Uses the same accent as Florence) It's too bad I'm gonna have to end it then.

Crissy: What?

Dana: (Smacks Crissy unconscious) (Teleports and kicks Florence in the face as she does)

Ryan:(Grabs onto Crissy)

Florence: (Moans) As she sits up.

Dana: Hi.

Florence: Who are-

Dana: (Shoves a pole through Florence's shoulder)

Florence: (Gasps) (Blood gushes out from her shoulder) Get. Back. (Faints)

Aubrey: (Hugging Atriel)

Atriel: Aubrey. You okay.

Aubrey: (Smiles) (Laughs) No. (Unzips herself and takes wig off)

Atriel: (Gasps)

Johnny: (Unattached voice machine and steps out) Hello Atriel!!

Lizzie and Jodie: (Kick the door down)

Dana: (Turns) Oh no. There are two psychopaths who busted into my house.

Lizzie: You're the only psychopath Dana.

Dana: Ah. So disrespectful.

Lizzie: Give it up Dana. Nobody is buying your goody two shoes routine here.

Dana: (Scoffs)

Jodie: You're so washed up that you're soggy right now.

Scarlett: (Shoots through the wall and pummels through it) No. I think that's just her face.

Katarina: (Cartwheels out of elevator) Let's finish this skunk.

Lizzie, Jodie, Crissy, and Katarina: (Standing in front of Dana and Ryan)

Dana: Ryan. Take the bitch and that tramp.

Ryan: (Picks up Crissy and Aubrey by the back of their necks)

Crissy: (Screaming) STOPPP!!!!!

Atriel: I think the plan has already come into fruition with Scarlett!!!

Florence: HURRY!!!

Atriel: (Groans)

Scarlett: Atriel..

Dana: (Slaps Scarlett's phone off the tower)

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