| Chapter 7 |

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Jungkook said, and cleared his throat for some unknown reason.

Just like the younger who had been in a nervous situation all this time, he can't help but feel the same kind of nervousness creeping in his throat from saying further.

Taehyung looked up from his lap and met eyes with the older, waiting for him to talk further.

"You know Tae, when was the last time I met your granny? And you as well?"
Jungkook smiled while saying this and his smile grew even more, when he saw the younger's shocked expression.

"You met m-me?"
Taehyung never thought that this was possible, cause he can't remember seeing this handsome man. But mentally slapped himself at his foolishness. He looked down, feeling a bit shy all of a sudden and played with his slender soft fingers.

"Yea, I met my little doll."
Jungkook said and looked ahead to see big round eyes, like that of a basketball staring at him in shock.

He chuckled on seeing the younger's surprised reddened cheeks, who was unknowingly biting his thin soft lips too harshly to stop his not-so-proper thoughts on the nickname and die out of shyness.

But, Jungkook felt different. He felt giddy. Again. Knowing that the reason for this blush on the soft and beautiful face sitting in front of him was him.

And maybe, a part of his heart who had been deprived of the emotions of a lover' warmth, who had been seeking and searching for someone special to confide into and walk into a path of love with the other by his side.. had given him a teeny tiny signal of considering this giddiness into something more, and not let the pretty boy slide away from his life.

A tiny voice from his subconscious mind, told him repeatedly to protect this fragile kid from anything and everything bad in this world, to make him feel loved and supported, to be the reason of the younger's beautiful boxy smile that he can't get rid off from his mind.. and to hold him in his arms with all his care and warmth, with the same hands that he had used to grip the younger's shoulder being a stupid previously.

With all this sudden gush of exciting new and determined feelings and a hit of realizing what these feelings actually mean, the older didn't realize this that he had been staring at the shy baby with a soft smile, for too long to not look like a creep.

He was so lost in thoughts, that he didn't even hear the continuous ringing of the bell from the cafe counter, calling the said male's name to take away their prepared order.

Finally, when the younger of them realized the background commotion, he cleared his throat and gently taped the older's hands that were placed on the table to welcome him back on earth and send him to fetch their order.

And Jungkook, who after, getting a grip on his extremely embarrassing actions was searching for a dark corner to hide himself from the younger.. who in turn was shyly smiling at Jungkook, completely oblivious of the effects he had already spelled on the older.

Clearing his throat, and avoiding eye contact with the younger.. Jungkook got up and went away to fetch their order. On returning with a cup of strawberry milkshake for the younger, and a banana milk for himself.. he placed the tray on the table and took a seat, efficiently and elegantly composing himself after his previous actions and smiled at the younger, gesturing him to have his drink.

The younger smiled again, and took a sip of the sweet drink.. a gasped a little, at the very good taste of the drink. He looked up from his drink to meet eyes with the older, and smiled.. who returned the smile with a slight head nod.

"It's tastes really good, hyung. Strawberry milkshakes are my favorite and I can undoubtedly say that this is one of my favorites, but obviously after the one made by my elder brother Yoongi."
The younger said, softly yet with a sudden excitement and giggled along with Jungkook's chuckle.

"Is that so? I knew it tasted good and so decided to order it for you, but was not sure on your likings. But guess, I wasn't wrong with my choice for you.. hmm!?" The older asked in a slight teasing voice, and chuckled.

"Yupp" the younger replied shyly and nodded.
"Come to our cafe hyung, we also serve tasty banana milk with an extra layer of cream. You'll like it even more than the one you're having now" the younger said with a chuckle, quite surprised at his own playfulness and teasing.

The older smiled with amusement, and raised his eyebrows asking..
"Is that so? Then I guess, I have gathered two reasons to visit your cafe sooner." He said with a slight smirk, quite unnoticeable for Taehyung.

"Two?" The younger question, sipping on his drink with a pout that never seem to leave his lips ever since it touched the straw.

Not that Jungkook is complaining, looking quite intensely at the way the younger's thin lips touches the straw, sucks in the milk and forms a cute little pout. He was more than sure by now that those lips were too soft, even before feeling it.

"Yupp two. One, to have the tasty banana milk prepared by your brother, and two, to meet someone special."
The older said, and looked mischievously at the younger to notice his reaction.

"S-someone special? Who, h-hyung?" The younger couldn't help but stutter, confused at the mention of special someone. He felt two sorts of emotions, one that made him feel giddy with a small hope that the special someone might be him.. cause why not, the older's soft gaze on him was neither saying otherwise. But the other emotion was hesitation. He was resisting himself to think like that about the older man on the first day of their meeting, but what was resisting him even more was that he was never made to confront to such sweet feelings before. He was completely unknown of the emotions that a person feels when he or she likes someone romantically. Yes, he knew what love means, he has seen his brother and bestfriend in love, he knows it is a good and happy feeling but you never really realize how it will make you feel until you, yourself are actually in love.

And his heart is surely hoping to feel this feeling sooner in his life, and to be the special someone in certain someone's life.



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