| Chapter 8 |

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"S-someone special? Who h-hyung?"
Taehyung asked slowly while fiddling with the straw of the milkshake. He wanted to know about the unknown person, and was continuously telling himself that the unknown name shouldn't be a bother for his heart. But does he actually wants to know?

On the other hand, Jungkook had somehow understood the younger boy's conflicting thoughts and decided to have mercy on the soft baby, while also trying to replace the little frown with a beautiful smile.

"Uhm someone, I used to call by the name my little doll!?" Jungkook said, raising his brows teasingly with a chuckle.

The younger, who was stuck in between a whirlpool of emotions..widened his eyes on hearing the older, and seemed to be visibly shocked at the response.
Cause neither did just his little expectation come true but the older had called him by this nickname, once again.. turning the soft boy into a tomato.

He didn't know what to say or how to come up with words that would express whether the older is really talking about him or not, so instead.. he just pointed at himself with big twinkling eyes and a small shy smile.

The older once again chuckled at the cutie, sitting in front of him and nodded his head.

"Yes Taetae, it's you. You may not remember, heck you surely will not even know but you were just 5.. yea 5 or 6 months old, when I saw you for the first time. And yea..  the last, until today"

The older smiled sheepishly, while the younger was once again shocked cause obviously, he didn't know anything about it.. and moreover, that little meeting was years ago. He was 5 months old then, and he is 19 now.. so that means, if the man sitting in front of him is 30 now, as he could remember.. then he was 10 or 11 years old back then. Damn he is really a kid in front of the hands---

The younger didn't complete his thoughts, as he could feel his cheeks heating up for some unknown reason so he just shook his head off the thoughts and giggled softly looking at the man in front. The older raised his brows in amusement, and took a sip of his drink before asking..

"What made you laugh bear?"

"You are an old hyungie. I was this small" Tae said smilingly, doing hand movements to show how small he was back then.

"While you were already 11 years old. I can't even imagine" He said again, making his eyes big and giggling once again.

"So now I'm old? This handsome young man is old for you?" Jungkook said, making his eyes big as well and acting, as if he is offended.

"Oh no no h-hyung.. I didn't mean it that way.. you are not THAT old.." Tae said, a little worried about the older's sad face.

"Ah relax Tae, I was just kidding.. don't think about it much" the older said, chuckling afterwards.

"Anyway, as you said I'm not THAT old, but what about my handsome face.. am I not handsome?" The older said once again, leaning back on the chair with a teasing smile.

The younger, who was taking a sip of his drink stopped on his actions to meet eyes with the older who was also staring at him with some unknown glint in his eyes. He gulped down the drink, before nodding his head with a shy smile. By now, he was sure that the older must have seen different shades of red in the younger's face and the fact that he was the reason for it was not helping.

They both looked at each other again and smiled before the older decided to continue his talks.

"Anyway, that day I was coming back from my school with my grandma and stopped at a convenience store to do our grocery shopping. There we met with grandma Kim and I got to understand that they were bestfriends from the way they squealed seeing each other from afar"
He said and chuckled slightly. This also made the younger boy to let out a sweet giggle that almost.. yea almost did  a flip in the older's stomach.

"They both hugged each other like there's no tomorrow, and I just stood there awkwardly with a shy smile. Trust me, I was super shy back then so I just decided to greet granny after their little reunion. She gave me a warm hug and quite a few kisses on my face before pulling away and ruffling my hair."

"You know Tae, it felt nice that day. To feel that motherly warmth, to get a tight hug from someone other than my own grandma.. I know it sounds ridiculous but it is what it is. Anyway, it felt really good to get those affection from granny."

He continued, as a sigh left his mouth immediately replacing it with a soft smile. Taehyung, on the other hand just smiled softly.. not really knowing how to comfort the older at this sensitive topic. He knew that the older had lost his parents at a young age, but he didn't know how or when. But also, he didn't wanted to bother the older by asking further and just let it be.

"After the little reunion.. Grandma Kim insisted on visiting her place and have lunch with her which we obviously couldn't deny. So, we went to your grandma's place.
That's when Mr. Kim, along with Mrs. Kim, Yoongi and a little doll arrived at her place for a family get-together to celebrate Mr. Kim's success in his business. Even though I could sense a discomfort from your parents on seeing us uninvited at the family moment, the baby in little Yoongi's hold was giggling widely,   making grabby hands towards me."

The younger's eyes widened at that, as he smiled shyly.. knowing very well, who the little doll is. He couldn't help but hide his face with his palms, feeling a sudden overwhelming shyness throughout his whole body. The older chuckled at that, and leaned forward on the table to ruffle the younger's hair.

"That's when I turned around and told my grandma,' look granny, that's a cute doll'" hearing the older mimicking his younger self, both of them burst out into fits of never-ending laughter.

And Jungkook could feel his heart  racing a bit, for some unknown reason.

"I don't know if Yoongi still remembers this or not but we three obviously had a great time that day." Jungkook smiled at the memories flooding his mind.

"Wish I wasn't this small back then so that I could remember those happy times." Taehyung said with a soft smile, looking down at his lap while fiddling with the hem of his shirt.

"You've grown up to a beautiful boy Tae, though I still have the clear images of my cute little doll in my head. Wish we had stayed in contact, so that I could've been there to see you grow.. and maybe stayed in a more comfortable situation..."

Jungkook said, looking at nowhere with a sigh.. before averting his gaze to the pretty male in front of him, staring back at him.

He smiled softly, before continuing..

"I'm sorry Tae.."


Sorry to keep you guys waiting..
But here's the most awaited update *insert dramatic entry by dramatic author's ass* *cries in corner*

Well, hope you guys liked it.. I promise to be better for y'all. I'll try my best in the next.

But before that, here's an important announcement and I hope you guys won't come after me for that.. or be sad🤧

Actually....I have my even sem exams coming up, starting from 14th of this month.. and your author doesn't even  knows a single word about anything. So I'll be taking a little break till the end of this month.. in order to save my ass from my parents. *whisper yells- I ONLY HAVE TAEKOOK IN MY BLOOD, SWEAT AND TEARS*

Anyway, so this is the last update AS OF NOW. Enjoy and do let me know in the comments, if you guys liked it. I really enjoy interacting with y'all. Ignore any grammatical errors, pleaseeeee.

Also, wish me luck guys.


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