Find Your Way

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3rd person

A blue figure was laying down on the forests of Pandora. His eyes opened so suddenly.

Neteyam's POV

I was in the forest? "What?" I remember The Great Mother telling me the I died too young and that she's revived me- "Wait. She brought me back? She brought me back!" I was jumping with joy. But the smile on my face disappeared like a curtain on a bright stage. Realization hit me straight in my face. My family. Mom, dad, Kiri, Tuk, and Lo'ak. My eyes brimmed with tears. My knees gave up and I just collapsed on them in sorrow. I started weeping quietly so no one would hear me. I missed them. I had to get back. I stood up and wiped the salty tears off my face and took a look at my surroundings. I was near some sort of cave. Then I heard a voice coming from the cave. "Only one may enter here. One whose worth lies far within. The Diamond of The Great Mother's Eyes." A light came from it and I was mesmerized. I walked towards it unconsciously. 

Before I could realize what was happening, my eyes shut automatically and I heard my name. "Neteyam, my child." "Great Mother?" I asked. "I brought you back for a reason. I have made you stonger, powerful. Use these to protect yourself and find you way." she told me. "But Mother! Who is to guide me of these abilities?" I inquired. "Eternia will guide you." was all I heard before I woke up in my house. A white Avatar was sponging my head. She saw me awaken and she yelled something. "Eternia! Big sis! He's awake!" afterwards she continued sponging my head. I was about to sit up until she spoke again. "Oh! You should take it slowly. Here. I'll help." She assisted me in sitting up and handed me some water. I thanked her and took it. I put the glass to my mouth and took a sip. I felt the cool water go down my throat. I put the glass down and wiped my mouth as another white avatar who I could tell was a woman walked in and bent down next to me. She started to put the back of her hand on my forehead and neck. She asked the other avatar "Is he all right Enchancia?" The girl, whose name was Enchancia, nodded briefly while gathering the thing and standing up. "You'd better explain everything to him big sis. I'll give you some time." said Enchancia before leaving. I turned to look and the other girl. "Hello Neteyam." she greeted me. "H-How do you know my name?" I asked. "I'm Eternia. I bet the Great Mother mentioned me. You've been brought-" "-back from the dead. I know" I finished her sentence. 

We started talking and she explained about how my abilities work. "So basically, I'm the first person to be revived?" I wondered out loud. She nodded. "Thats why you've been given special abilities." 


3rd person

Kiri was in front of their house with her feet swirling in the water. It had been a week after Neteyam died and Kiri was talking to the water as if she was talking to her big adoptive brother. "'s been miserable, dad's comforting everyone, Tuk's been crying and Lo'ak still hasn't gotten over it. He say's it was his hands your blood was on that night. We all miss you. I pray to Eywa you were here." She pulled her knees towards her and wrapped her arms around them. "Please, please, please Neteyam. Come back. Come back home. Please..." she started sobbing. Her salty tears were leaking out non stop. Behind her, Jake was hiding behind a wooden pillar an was listening to her the whole night. He felt guilty for scolding his son all the time. He closed his eyes softly and let his own tears come out.


a/n: well here it is. sorry i took so long. i've been banned from my phone and i usually write there. i've been busy with homework and our english fest so sorry about that.

for eternia and enchancia, they are two sibling avatars who were kidnapped and used as experiments, hence as to why they are white. they are my ocs. 

i was wondering if you guys wanted smut. i'll write it if you want but thats up to you. 

anyway thats all. bye melodies! <3333

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