Let's Meet

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Hey all,

Some here on Wattpad prefer to live on their own island and others, on the contrary, are more social butterflies. Still, to learn from each other, we need to get to know each other.

Please answer the following questions in the comments, tell a bit about yourself and your stories

1: What is your name?
2: How old are you?
3: Where are you from?
4: How did you start writing and how long have you been writing?
5: How did you end up on Wattpad?
6: What is your favourite genre for reading and writing?
7: What is your favourite book on Wattpad and who is it by (Tagging is allowed)?
8: What is your first book you wrote on Wattpad?
9: What are you working on now?
10: Do you know people through Wattpad and if so who (Tagging is allowed)?

I am very curious to hear your answers!

Little WriterWhere stories live. Discover now