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Humans have always been curious and fascinated by space. Though they knew little about the vast expanse of space, they tried their best to study it through different means. They started by using the stars in the night to guide their travels as they sailed the vast ocean. Then they discovered a way to get a glimpse of space with the help of a tool they invented called.

'TELESCOPE' Humans had found a way to make objects far away appear closer with the use of this invention they made. And because of it, they discovered something new that expanded their minds. There were other worlds or planets out there in space.

This discovery made humans more curious about the unknown things that were out there. As centuries passed, humans discovered different things about space. They discovered the solar system, a smaller part of the vast galaxy, and a smaller part of the forever-expanding universe.

To Humans space was a treasure trove with infinite opportunities. But they would come to know of the horrors that lurked in it.


A dark-haired young man lay asleep on the hard ground of a dark cold passageway. He groaned in discomfort as he tossed and turned on the cold floor. After tossing and turning, he noticed that his bed felt different...

"Ugh... Dammit, that bastard landlord told me that the bed was still good when I paid 300k won for rent."

He complained after remembering the lie the landlord told him the night before while he was moving in. Though the rent was high, it was the only apartment he could get this cheap in Seoul. He sat up and opened his eyes, but he could not see a single thing in the dark.

"Huh...? What's going on? I'm pretty sure I left the lights on before I slept... wait, don't tell me the electricity in the building is also bad."

His forehead furrowed as he clenched his right hand into a fist and slammed the ground.

*Bang! *

*Crack! *

"Aaarghhh! Fuck...! my hand... my fucking hand."

He yelled in pain while grasping onto his broken wrist. With the shock from the pain, his sleepy eyes began to adapt to the darkness. Then he realized that what he hit was a hard floor, not a bed, and He was no longer in his tiny apartment. He stood up hastily from the ground, glanced around, and noticed solid, black-colored walls on his left, right, below, and above him.

"... Where the hell am I?"

He began to panic as he realized that he was in a completely dark, quiet, and cold passage. Then a thought came to him. The only reason people find themselves in a different place after sleeping is. that they got kidnapped, isekai'd, or died. But since he could still feel pain, it meant he was not dead. Then he was left with two options: he was either kidnapped or isekai'd. But being kidnapped was a more feasible option because. Bad luck has plagued him his entire life, so something like going to another world would never happen to an unlucky person like him.

He also knew that ordinary kidnappers wouldn't kidnap him because he had nothing of value except his title as heir of Jang pharmaceutical, which he was meant to inherit at twenty according to his father's will.

"Dan Sang- Hee you bitch. Forcing me to sign away my inheritance wasn't enough for you, huh? What...? Now you want to get rid of me?"

Believing that his current situation was his stepmother's doing, Jang Jeong cursed angrily in a loud voice as his breaths quickened. Though he spoke with confidence, he was still scared because he knew what type of person Dan sang- Hee was.

I BECAME GOD BY LEVELING UPOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora