Chapter 4

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When you had woken up, you felt immense pain throughout your body. Which was uncommon. You had never let yourself get this badly damaged.

You hissed through your teeth, at the feeling on your hand.

You lifted up your arm, to see it covered in a white bandage. It was wrapped professionally, the same way doctors do.

There was also a bandage on you face, to wear Niragi had punched you. It stung a little, but not nearly as bad as your hand.

Chishiya entered the room, surprised to see you awake.

"Good morning, i've brought you some pain killers."

You grunted, as you attempted to sit up.

"Stop. You received severe frostbite on your legs and feet. Stay under the covers." Chishiya says while slightly pushing you back.

"Well shit." You say as you look at the ceiling in defeat.

Chishiya popped a few pills in his hand, and gave them to you.

"What happened in the game?" Chishiya said.

"It was a swimming game." You said in annoyance.

"Okay, and?"

You shifted your attention else where.

Chishiya then continued, "There's an executive meeting in an hour."

"What does that have to do with me?"

"They're putting you on the ranks." Chishiya said with that same smug grin.


"Alright. I'm off, I should be back before the meeting." Chishiya said as he stood up from the bed.

Before he walked out you turned your face to him.

"Chishiya." You said.


"Why were you waiting at the gate?" You said, with no emotion in your voice.

He stopped walking for a second, then left the room with no response.

You let yourself rest for a solid 5 minutes, before forcing yourself to stand.

The second you put your feet on the ground, you got a shock of a pins and needles sensation shooting up your feet and calf's.

"Not good." You muttered to yourself.

You knew it was best to at least let your legs heal so you can be functional, so you decided to stay in the room.

You got on the ground, and crawled using your knees and your good hand.

You managed to get yourself up on the rolling chair at the desk on Chishiyas side.

You snooped around his area, his desk was very clean, and he never wrote anything interesting on paper.

You rolled around his area a little longer, and was about to give up before you noticed you haven't opened his nightstand.

You slowly roll it open to see a book, and strong sedatives, right next to the pain killers.

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