Chapter 6

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This is a filler for Chapter 7!

You woke up earlier than usual this morning.

The sun had barely started to show, when you lifted your head and checked the time.

5:09 am

You groaned as you stepped out of bed onto the carpet.

You slowly shuffled to the bathroom, and turned on the light, which caused you to instantly close your eyes.

After your eyes finally adjusted, you looked at the shift of colour in the bruise Niragi had given you.

It stung, but it was bearable. It had turned a deep shade of purple, and green.

You brushed your teeth, and got ready, you noticed Chishya wasn't in his bed. But you paid no mind.

You put your sandals on, and walk down the hall, trying to wake yourself up.

Very little people were up at this hour, only a couple militants on duty.

You made it to about the 2nd floor, when you were grabbed by a person behind you.

"Shh!!" The mans voice said.

You turned your head around to see Niragi, once again.

"What do you want?!" You whisper shouted.

"I had a feeling you'd be up, I made something for you." Niragi said, in an oddly cheerful tone.

He grabbed you by the arm and directed you towards the cafeteria.

Once you had impatiently arrived, he sat you down and went in the back of the kitchen.

What is he doing? You thought to yourself, while slouching in your chair.

A few moments later he walked back out with two hot plates of food.

"What is this?" You said inspecting the fresh meal.

Normally the meals would be canned, and unappetising. But somehow he managed to get real food and prepared it.

"This is me being nice, eat." He said trying to maintain his pleasant tone.

You dropped your fork back on the plate and gave a sarcastic glance at him.

He rolled his eyes, and scoffed harshly while picking up the fork from his plate, and taking a large bite from yours.

"See? It's fine. It's getting cold, eat." He said.

It did look and smell delicious, so you gave in and started eating the meal hesitantly.

"Why did you this?" You said in a muffled tone with food still in your mouth.

Niragi swallowed his food, and slouched backwards. "I guess, I wanted to say that I shouldn't be so harsh around you." He said looking like every word he said was acid leaving his mouth.

You couldn't help but let out a laugh.

"What?!" He said throwing down his napkin.

"Nothing!" You said trying to contain your laughter, "It just sounds-,like this is supposed to be, and apology."

"I have nothing to apologise for." He shrugged off.

"Uhuh." You said finishing up your meal.

You wiped your face off with the napkin, before standing up. "Thank you. This was yummy."

Before you could turn to walk away, he stood up and stopped you.

You turned around when he started to talk.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2023 ⏰

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