Chapter 5

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As soon as you walked out from the executive meeting, in excruciating pain, instead of going straight back to your room, you stopped at the kitchen in the cafeteria.

You snuck in without anyone noticing, and picked up the most desecrate knife you could find.

You made your way upto your room, where you saw Chishiya, sitting at just desk, with headphones in.

He was meddling with different wires, on a unique makeshift device.

You crept up behind him, and held your new knife against his throat.

He didn't flinch, or even move a muscle.

"Y'know, if you wanted to creep up on someone, you should make sure you're not whimpering down the hallway." He grinned, still fidgeting with the device in his hand.

You grabbed some of his hair and pulled it backwards so he could look up at you.

"Why were you trying to sedate me?Your fucking perversion makes me sick." You said coldly.

He laughed. "Is that what you thought that was? And here I thought you were supposed to be smart."

You tightened the grip on his hair, and pushed the blade a little harder on his throat.

"Ah. There." He said.

"Go ahead, cut me. We'd both die." He said holding his thumb on a pin to a makeshift grenade.

You seethed as you pulled the blade away, and turned him around to face you.

"So. What did they ask you in the meeting." He said looking up, smug.

"Oh, I thought you already knew?" You smirked back at him.

You stared at each other for a bit until you rolled your eyes, and broke the intense silence.

"I have been given the choice to either become a Militant, or an Executive."

"Mm. Interesting, the council has never given that choice to anyone." Chishiya said, getting into his own thoughts.

You sat on the bed in relief of standing, and sighed.

"I'm leaving The Beach." You said as you messed with the knife in your hands.

He looked up at you with wide eyes.

Chishiya scoffed at the thought.

"You must be really dumb then." He said shaking his head with a smile.

He stood up and started walking towards you. "Trust me. You won't make it out alive." He whispered followed by a breathy laugh.

You just stared at him in un-amusement.

Blood trickled down the back of his head, and down his neck.

Instinctively you reached your hand up to stop the blood, right before it reached his white jacket.

It mark from Niragi's gun was extremely deep.

Chishiya flinched slightly to you touching his head, but quickly got over it when you started demanding medical products.

"Bathroom." He said in an almost shaky voice.

You walked him to the bathroom.

You hopped up onto the counter, picking up the products. You noticed dried blood covering most of the products.

You looked puzzled. "Is this-mine?" You questioned.

"You started seizing and you were haemorrhaging really bad." He said not breaking eye contact with you.

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