ch2 next stop paris!

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On the day of the leave chuuya and aku were outside the ADA headquarters waiting in chuuyas car for dazai and atsushi. "Finally you two came" chuuya spoke a bit angry from waiting akutagawa said nothing and turned his head away from the jinko. Chuuya blushed a bit at what dazai was wearing.

ill show what all of em were wearing credits to the owners i dont have the credits sadly :(

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ill show what all of em were wearing credits to the owners i dont have the credits sadly :(

ill show what all of em were wearing credits to the owners i dont have the credits sadly :(

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Im not gonna write akutagawa anymore ill just write aku

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Im not gonna write akutagawa anymore ill just write aku

Dazai noticed the slight pink on chuuyas cheeks but said nothing.
Dazai then finally spoke "hiiii chibi~ want me to drive or are you gonna drive? Plus we also have to call the president and mori-san when we get to yokohama borders". Dazai said to convince chuuya to let him drive as he didnt want chuuyas back to hurt." You drive you mackerel and keep your bags in the back. Aku, atsushi will be sitting next to you and you two keep some blankets out. As once we get near the border its gonna get cold."
Atsushi and dazai kept their bags in the back of the car well it wasnt really a car or sort of a mini van. Dazai got in the driver seat and atsushi with aku in the back seat with chuuya in the passenger seat. Dazai started the engine and started driving to yokohamas borders. It was silence most of the way with dazai driving chuuya, aku, atsushi looking out the window until...chuuya spoke.

"Why the hell are we going away together in the first place?did anyone even bother to ask? "
"Ummmmmm.... i dont really know chibi but i might have an idea why but. I wont tell~"!

"Umm dazai-san,chuuya-san are we near the border yet?"atsushi asked souding a bit bored "as a matter of fact atsushi-kun we are here" dazai said turning his head to face atsushi and aku. "Should we call them now dazai-san?"aku said asking in a blunt tone."yep!!!"

"Chibi please do the honors" dazai asked chuuya in a fancy tone
"Ugh whatever" chuuya rolled his eyes and called mori.

Mori: "Ah hello chuuya-san"

Chuuya: "Hello boss"

Mori: "Can you put the phone on speaker"

Chuuya: "Sure"

Chuuya set the phone on speaker

"Mori: Hello eveyone"

Dazai: " helloooo mori-san"

Mori: "hello dazai-kun. Now listen carefully you four. Once you leave this bdorder you will no longer be enmies nor you will fight eachother nor anyone elseunderstood."

Aku and chuuya : " yes mori-san"
Dazai: " yeah yeah whatever."
Atsushi: "mhm"

Mori:"Now then. You may leave yokohama borders and explore the world to your hearts content.
Bye bye~"

The call ended

"Okay so what now" atsushi said.
"What do you mean?"aku asked him a bit annoyed."i mean once we get out of yokohama where do we go first?"
"Hmmm good question atsushi-kun oh i know where~"
"What are you thinking mackerel"chuuya asked dazai confused.

"lets pay a visit to a rat and a clown who live in paris.."


Guys i hope you like this part im on a vaction right now so i am trying to post when i get free time as i dont want to make you guys wait too long. Anyways i will see you in the next part.

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