wrong turn

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This is not a soukoku story it is just a different one my friend made she wanted people to see it so i told her i could post it

Name's are not our real names
Type: mystery
Lead writer:lunar

It was 21.1.23 wednesday. A bright sunny day. There was a group of 5 best friends. Ramesh,walt,george,rubella and kiana. They were all in 12th grade. Once they all were planning of a midnight party. All of them tried to convince their parents. But their parents strictly warned them not to go as it for their own good. They all were upset. Later that same evening walt called everyone and discussed to them on a group call that they should meet up at a park to talk about what their parents had said.

All the parents denied for the party.
George"hmm... well i have an idea when our parents go to bed we can slipbaway for the party."but what if we get caught?".rubella rebelled showing a slight worried expression. "Dont worry! We wont plus if we get caught all of us will be in trouble." Ramesh told his friends to assure them."i still dont think we should do this "
Kiana said. "Like i said we'll be find" ramesh spoke once again trying to convince the others .
But little did they know fate was not with them instead againest them.
"Okay! We'll do it!" Everyone agreed "lets meet here at 12:00" walt told the group before they all left.

Ramesh pov
'How am i going to do this' ramesh said pacing around his room 'wait out the window! That way i wont get caught ramesh climed out the window carefully 'now to the park.'

Walt pov
'Well good things moms asleep but what am i supposed to do about my dog maybe i can distract him with a treat 'walt to ok a treat and the dog followed walt outside once the dog was distracted he walked out of the garden door 'now lets meet up with the others'

George pov
'Eh ill just....' just like that george just...walked out of the door.

Rubella pov
'I still dont think this is right but then again ill never be able to do this' rubella slowpy walked towards the door.

They all managed to sneak out without their parents noticing them soon enough they all were at the park.

"Hey guys!" Walt said excietedly "looks like you all made it"george said a bit tired. "So what are we waiting for?" They all set off but unfortunately the sign that the partys host had left was flipped the other way but instead led them to the forest.

Soon they heard footsteps coming towards them and one by one they started going missing till none of them remained.
Police stated that they had gone missing but no one knows the truth

The end~

Did you notice someone was missing comment who you think was missing!

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