ch3..pit stops

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"Paris? Who is a rat and clown who lives in paris dazai-san" atsushi asked dazai as dazai he started driving out of yokohama borders.
"Oh youll see atsushi-kun. "Mackerel its not who i think it is right?"chuuya asked the brunette who definately had a little plan in his mind."indeed it is chibi~"dazai said in response."dont call me that and are you sure we can trust them?"chuuya asked a bit concerningly. "Who is chuuya-san talking
About dazai-san?" Atsushi asked dazai in a curious tone. "Youll see atsushi-kun oh and chibi we can trust them i made friends with him during dead apple soo... plus!his husband will keep him in line!" Dazai said excietedly as he was a bit happy to see his friend.
"Yeah if his husband can keep himself in line that is i mean did you see how he acts like a literal clown!"chuuya complained in a annoyed tone."thats cause he is one chibi"dazai chuckeled at chuuya and ruffled his hair earning a groan from the ginger while on the other hand aku and atsushi were just sitting there looking at the two adult males confused.

Dazai started the engine and googled up the way to paris.

The first 2 hours everyone didnt say anything until

Dazai said "is anyone hungry ?~"
"Mhm"atsushi replied a bit sleepily
"Yeah"said chuuya with a groan
"Yes dazai-san"answered akutagawa with respect(as hes a simp). "Alrighty well stop at the next resteraunt we pass". Half an hour later.(omg guys im so srry im using the wrong font again T.T) "everyone heres a resteraunt lets eat here"
Everyone gets out of the car and start walking towards the resteraunt.

"Table for 4 please"dazai said to the waitress .
"Right this way sir"the waitress said and took them to their table.
"What should we eat?"atsushi asked."i dont know lets ask for the menu"chuuya said."excuse me can we get 4 menus please"
"Of course"the waitress then left to get the menus. "Oh my my chuuya~ you said please thats a first" dazai teased chuuya.
"Oh please i have manners" chuuya replied angrily. "Uhm-" just as atsushi was going to say something to aku the waitress came.

"Excuse me you called for 4 menus?". Asked the waitress just to confirm. "U-uh y-yes thank you" atsushi said a bit startled. "No problem."the waitress then left.
"Now what should we eat" aku asked.
"Hmmmmmmmmm" dazai answered. And whispered something to chuuya.
"Sure.."mummbled chuuya

Oh btw chuuya was sitting next to dazai and aku and atsu together.

Till them everyone had decieded what to eat.
"Excuse me" dazai called the waitress. "Yes sir your order?"

Atsushi : "Umm fish and chips for me please"

Aku : "ill take a salad and coffee"

Chuuya : "chicken ramen"

Dazai : "ill take the same"

"Anything else?"
"Oh and and a bottle of your finest wine please" dazai told her .
"Thats all"

Chuuya was a bit shocked to see dazai actually ordered the wine .
While atsushi and aku were a bit shocked to see their mentor order alchohol but little did they know that it was for chuuya.

When the food came
"The foods delicious"
"I must agree with you mackerel
Oh and..."chuuya whispered something in dazai's ear
" thanks for the wine osmau~..."
Dazai face was tinted pink by hearing chuuya call him by his first name. "S-sure chibi..."

The other two were confused at what had just happened dazai studdered?!

Whispering start

"Ummm aku do you think they
like eachother?" Ataushi said to aku

"Looks like it or chuuya-sans drunk"he answers back.

whispering end

"How about we start travelling again dazai-san" aku said to get chuuya to the car as soon as possible

"Thats a good idea" dazai still flustered about chuuya calling him osamu."you two take chibi to the car and ill be right back just need to pay ^_^"

"O-ok dazai san" atsushi waved dazai and the quickly turned to aku "how do we carry him itll look like were kidnapping him"
"Hmmm how about we take him on my shoulder ... wait is he drunk thats the first question"

"Chuuya-san are you drunk". "Hell no! Aku i dont know why he told you to carry me but whatever lets just go." "O-ok"atsushi a bit scared.

Once all three of them got in the car. Dazai came a minute later.
"Everyone good?"
"Yes" replied the smol childre
"No." Replied the petite mafisoo(what is this word pls comment it). "Whats wrong chibi?" "My head hurts.."
"You drank of course its gonna hurt chibi" "im gonna go to sleep.." "is chuuya-san ok?" "Hes fine atsushi kun just a bit tipsy" dazai chuckled. "Well lets get this show on the road".

To be continued


Hi guys sorry for uploading late
Got worked up in studies the next part will also be a bit late as i have'nt started yet i also dont know where this story will go reccomend more fandoms if you want. If you want genshin i will do it as i play it so i have an idea how it will work.cya in part 4

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