ch4 Ship is sailing~

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I am so sorry i forgot to put warnings i just realised that please forgive me

Boy x boy

Dazai started the engine and saw a sleeping chuuya in the passengers seat. Looking in the rear view mirror dazai carefully got the car outside the parking lot and to his surprise he saw aku and atsushi cuddling while they were asleep. 'Oh mah god!....MY SHIP IS SAILING!!!! '. On that note he started driving heading towards paris ,to see dazais best friend (well one of his best friends).

Note: sorry i forgot to tell that sigma lives with the people they are going to visit(yes i wont tell you even if u know U.U).
Also it now evening in the story alr.

'Nearly there' dazai thought to himself as he heard a sound coming from the sleeping ginger "are we there yet shitty dazai?" Chuuya asked in a half sleepy the tone of his voice was full of tiredness. "Nearly there my dear~" dazai chuckled as he said that. "Dont call me that you asshole". "Whatever but chibi look back" "hmm?.. What The?!-"
Chuuya was shocked to see aku and atsushi cuddling i mean they were always at eachothers neck they always hate eachother and try to kill eachother. "Our ship is sailing chuu~" dazai said in a low tone. "Im surprised it is, just wait until they wake up their gonna be yelling and be at eachothers throat again".
"I know, umm ...... chibi"dazai asked a bit embarressed.
"Yeah what?"the ginger was fully awake now. "Umm can u take a photo of them for ya know... blackmail....~"
Chuuya smirked "sure anything for a bit of blackmail~"
Chuuya took a photo and asked dazai if he want him to sent it to him. As always of course dazai said yes."how much longer mackerel?". "Chibi its nearly 8:00pm we'll make it tomorrow morning but we'll have to stay the night at a hotel."ugh great.."

"dazai..."chuuya asked a bit scaredly. "Nothing will happen to us right?...." "of course chibi nothing will we are the strongest duo if osmeone does try to kill us we'll just destroy the entire city :)"
Chuuya chuckled at the statement."if you say so......osamu"
"W-what what did u just call me."dazai asked chuuya as his face flushed pink.

"I called you osamu~ is something wrong with me calling you that"chuuya asked dazai teasingly to embarress the brunette "n-no im just a bit surprised hearing you call me by my first name" "osamu i-i've been wanting to tell you somethin-"
"THE HELL?! GET OFF OF ME JINKO" "I WASNT THE ONE ON YOU, YOU ARE ON ME!" just as chuuya predicted their yelling. "OMM shut up!" Chuuya was now pissed. "Dazai put a hand on his mouth trying to prevent a laugh.
"Both of you were cuddling so your both at fault now shut up and say sorry to eachother."
"Sorry aku"
"Sorry atsushi".
"Sorry chuuya-san" they both said together.

"Tch" 'they interruped my confession i cant even say it now cause their awake ughhhh..... i wont get a chance like this again'
Dazai saw chuuya was a bit upset.
"Chibi is very thing ok?"
"Yeah yeah mackerel everythings good..."
"Oh chibi what did you want to tell me?"
"N-nothing ill tell you later."
"Ok?.." "oh chibi can you find a good hotel for us to stay in?" "I told you to stop calling me that! but yeah sure" chuuya started searching online for a good hotel he didnt care about the price as he has literally spent 2 million(i think i dont remeber) on a vine bottle. Aku and atsushi not even talking nor looking at eachother both of them looking out of the window trying to forget what happened.

Dazai continued driving until chuuya spoke up " i found one, but it only has two beds and.....its the last one they have.."
Chuuya spoke awkwardly." Its fine chibi well just sleep together while those two sleep together. Aku and atsu didnt hear what dazai had said as they were listening to music using headphones trying to ignore eachother."u-um sure but are you sure about those i mean their trying to kill eachother thats for sure" "itll be fine! Plua theyll have to if they dont wanna sleep on the ground"."yeah like theyll listen.."chuuya mummered.

Awahile late.
"Chibi how much further is the hotel?". "Take a left here and go straight". "Oki dokie!" Dazai replised childishly with a "tch" from chuuya. Dazai followed the direction chuuya has toldand reached the hotel. "Just park there get those two to talk and ill go check in" sure cya later chibi" "yeah yeah dont do anything stupid" just like that chuuya started walking to the reception. Now how to deal with those two.

"Oh~atsushi-kun and aku-kun" "Yes dazai-san!" Both they younger males replied together without hesitation to their mentor or ex-mentor realising they replied together they sent a glare to eachother "now,now you two we are on vacation so let go of your grudges" the two remained silent."now help me get the important stuff out".

They got out of the car and helped dazai get their stuff out till then chuuya was waiting in the reception and he could see what was going on with the three through the window of their hotel room.He slightly chuckled at the sight .

The sight
"Oh yeah i forgot to tell you!" The two replied by giving dazai a confused and surious expression.
"You two will be sleeping together! While me and chibi are gonna sleep together"

"WHAT!" the two replied with a yell. "MHM! You two have no choice" dazai said with a motherly tone.
"B-but i dont want to sleep with him!" "Neither do i.." atsushi and aku reltaliated "its that or the ground" dazai sent a slight alarming aura the two boys had forgotten that dazai could be scary too. They nodded and followed dazai to the reception.

"Dazai osamu?"the woman who was working there asked.
"Yes do you know where chuuya nakahara is ?"
"Oh yes he told three people nore were coming he is in room 103.
Dazai thanked the lady and headed to the room where chuuya was.

Important notice ahead!!

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