January 13, 2023

6 1 0

So to start I woke up at 6 and took a shower.  After the shower I dried my hair and had a mental break down because my hair wouldn't cooperate with me. I decided to wear grey sweatpants and a black hoodie since I have exams and I wanted to comfortable. Then my mom drove me to school but on our way there we stopped at McDonald's for some breakfast and then I went to school. In my first hour exam I basically just guessed the answers since it was Geometry and I didn't remember absolutely anything same for my second hour was Chemistry. After I finished my Chemistry exam I decided to draw my best friend Blair since I was bored and there was like 45 minutes or so left. She did love drawing. After school got out since it was a half day my mom picked me and Blair up we hung out till like 1 and then she had to go to a dentist appointment which sucked. So I went home and decided to be as productive as possible and clean my room which is still an absolute mess. I'm still slowly working on it but I hope to get it done. So for dinner I had sweet and sour chicken with rice which was absolutely delicious. After that I curled up on my bed and read for a while. So that was basically my day.

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