Chapter 3

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Chapter 3
**Warning mentions of child abuse**
It was a couple of weeks later and our first DADA lesson, I was excited this guy should be better than Lockhart though that's not exactly difficult. We were sitting in our little group as Lupin-Black was explaining that we would be facing certain creatures but he would teach us the theory before the practical, and it wont be anything too dangerous as we are only 13/14.

But soon he said something that made me freeze. "Next lesson we will be facing a boggart study up on it and be prepared for next lesson dismissed." I have to say something ask to be excused i cant face my boggart!. "Luca are you coming?" Draco asked seeing me still sitting in my spot.

"I need to talk to the proffesor quick wait for me outside ,Dray?" He nodded and went outside, I walked up to the Professors desk. "Is something the matter Mx Snape?" He asked me looking up from grading essays. I nodded. "I was wondering if possibly I could be excused from next lesson?"
He looked at me searchingly as he replied.
"Do you have a reason other than what the boggart will be?" I looked down as I replied .
"No sir." He sighed sadly.

"Then I'm afraid I cannot the lesson is compulsory." I nodded drooping slightly. "I understand sir thank you anyway." I replied and left. As i entered the corridor where my brother was waiting I sighed i had really hoped he might have let me off but i do understand why he didn't. "Luca!" Draco called then noticing my face. "What happened?" I grabbed his wrist.

"Come with me to dads quarters? I need to tell you both something;" Draco quickly nodded confused but followed me down nonetheless. "Dad?" I called entering his quarters knowing he wasn't in class as it was over for today. "Luca, Draco is something wrong?" I nodded.
"Kind of I have to tell you something before you find out some other way." I sat sitting on the sofa as Dray sat next to me and dad across from us.

"So next defence lesson we are facing a boggart." I started taking a deep breath. "It is extremely likely that mine will become... Lucius." Draco gaped.
"Luca, I know you and Father don't exactly get on but do you really fear him and to that extent?" I felt tears prick at my eyes as i answered.
"Dray we don't just 'not get on' when Lucius found out about me he started abusing me." I whispered as tears spilt down my cheeks. "There's no physical evidence though because he got rid of the marks with magic it why im so against using magic when I get hurt." suddenly the dam on my emotions broke and i began sobbing, hiding my face in my hands. There was a moment where no one moved and then I felt two pairs of arms wrap around me.

"Luca..." My Dads voice he sounded choked up. "Why did you never tell us tell me?" i pulled back slightly to see my dad crying, I was shocked dad never cries. "I never told anyone because , well Draco idolized Lucius and after a while i guess i kinda felt like i deserved it, like I was a mistake." I admitted softly. "You are not a mistake you're my sister!" Draco insisted.
"Luca never think that." My dad agreed with Draco. "You're my child I love you unconditionally." I gave a watery smile to them.

"Can I stay here tonight?" I asked dad he had a spare room in his quarters which I used sometimes along with Dray. "Of course you can Luca , Draco? Offers open to you too." Draco shook his head. "I'll go back to the dorm don't worry." He smiled and then left. I spent the rest of the night with my dad,i felt better but I still wasn't ready for Defence.

End chapter 3

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