Chapter 6

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Chapter 6
It was a week later and I was mostly over what had happened previously we have a theory defence lesson this week. We were sitting in our group waiting for the professor but my dad strode in with his usual dramatic flair. He closed all the window blinds and turned on the projector. "Turn to page 394." Everyone started flicking through their books.
"Werewolves!? But sir we only started learning about red caps and hinkypunks we shouldn't be starting on dark creatures for months yet." Hermione protested.
"As Professor Lupin-Black is overwise indisposed I decide what you will be taught today and I say it's werewolves." My Dad insisted. As dad was teaching i saw DRaco writing on a scrap of Paper so I ,being the nosy person I am, peered over his shoulder.
"Luca." He whisper-shouted covering the paper from my view. I smirked.
"What? Are you writing a love note is that why I cant see?" He sighed and moved his hands. The note was for Harry.   'Good luck tomorrow make sure to beat those puffs I'm not missing out on going up against you.' Followed by a winky face. "Oh it is a love note or your version of one at least." I giggled.
"Shut up." He said folding his note into a crane and enchanting it as he blew it over to Harry. "You blew that like a damn kiss." I said before listening to class again.
XX The next day XX
It was time for the gryff vs puff quidditch match and the weather was horrible. We were still going to watch of course but at least we had more protection than the poor players.
With how heavy the rain was I would be surprised if either of the seekers could find the snitch even with Harrys skills.Partway through the match it started to get colder now most would think this was just the weather getting worse, but this cold was unnatural.
I looked up to see a black mass descending on us. "Dementors."  I hissed at Draco who looked worried remembering how Harry reacted to one of those soul sucking creatures. As I started feeling the effects we saw a figure falling from about 60 feet in the air. Thankfully Dumbledore cast a quick 'arresto momento' slowing the fall. The Hufflepuff won but no one really cared more worried about the young seeker.
Madam Pomfrey rushed onto the field levitating Harry up taking him to the hospital wing followed by our whole group + most of the griffindors.
Everyone was talking over each other as we kept an eye on Harry flat out on the hospital bed. I was standing in between Fred and george leaning slightly on them as some of us nibbled on some chocolate when we heard a groan. "Did anyone catch the number of the bus that ran me over." Harry murmured with a chuckle.
"Are you okay Harry? Dumbledore is absolutely furious the dementors should have not come anywhere near the pitch." Hermione explained worriedly. "I'm okay guys don't worry."
"Um Harry." I spoke up. We had looked for his broom but unfortunately the whomping willow found it first. "Your broom kind of got smashed sorry." I explained wincing as Ron showed Harry the broke beyond recognition broom. Harry looked sad but before any of us could say or do anything we were ushered out by the nurse.
end chapter 6

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