Chapter 7

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Chapter 7
I was chatting with on Friday with my brother when george and fred came over and started talking. "So our little sunbeam," They started. I went bright red at the term of endearment as Draco snickered. "Would you go on a date with us to hogsmead tomorrow?" I smiled still blushing and nodded. "Id love to." They kissed my cheeks and left.
"Luca we were going to go together." Draco complained pouting. I raised an eyebrow. "So? Heres an idea go ask Harry and we can make it a double date." I teased. he spluttered and just replied. "Nevermind."

xx The next morning xx
After breakfast, with Draco still complainng that I ditched him , I walked to the bridge as I waited for my twins. They appeared after a minute scaring the crap outta Draco making me giggle.
"Ready darling?" They asked extending their hands.
"Of course." I replied taking them. "See you later Dray." I called over my shoulder. We walked down to the villiage intent on going to the three broomsticks for some lunch and butterbeers when the twins stoppped staring at something just ahead.
I followed their gaze to see. "Bill?" The elder Weasley turned hearing his name, he was with a sixth year girl who i reconised as the girl , Lucille, who he invited over for christmas two years ago .
"What are /you doing /here Bill?"
"Well you see Luka invited me to join her at hogsmead as I had a day off from the bank." He said indicating to Lucille so we knew which one of us he meant.
I noticed Bill was eyeing mine, George and Fred's intertwined hands. "What about you two on a date are we?" He teased.
"Shut up Bill." They replied flushing a deep pink. I smirked and gave them each a chaste kiss. They were still blushing but looked much happier about it. "Yep." I responded in answer to the teasing. "Well I'd tell Mum if she doesn't know we both know how she gets." Bill laughed as my boys paled.
We waved the two goodbye and continued on our original route. We entered the three broomsticks and luckily found a table it wasn't very busy mostly third years the older years didn't really enjoy hogsmead after third year as the novelty wears off. "So," I said sipping at my butterbeer. "You didn't tell your mum about us?"
The two looked sheepish. "Well we didn't tell her about the present because well one you were a sore subject at the time and we still weren't sure you'd say yes." They admitted wincing slightly at the reminder of last years 'incident'.
"And after?" I queried. "Honestly we were slightly worried about what she'd say being a throuple and all." I raised an eyebrow. "You know triads ,especially with twins,are perfectly usual in the wizarding world it's just not mentioned all that often."
"We'll write her a letter later." They decided and I smiled hoping that Mrs Weasley would be supportive as I really love Fred and George.

X that afternoon X
We had just gotten back and we were chatting when Harry ran up grinning.
"You okay?" I laughed seeing how bubbly he was. He nodded. "Professor lupin is teaching me a new spell after asking me what my boggart was." I was confused. "What is your boggart?" i asked.
"Well I wasn't sure so I asked the professor if I could maybe try and face it if he still had one as I don't want to fail because i wasn't prepared in a test or something."
I nodded and he continued. "But he said he was a bit worried it would be voldemort." We all flinched at the name. "But he agreed to let me try. It was a dementor." Harry said.
"He's teaching you the patronus charm? That's amazing alot of wixen struggle with that spell." I asked gaining clarity finally. Harry nodded "Yup it's not fully corporal yet but it is strong enough to force back a boggart dementor."

XX a week later XX
The christmas holidays had just started and most of our group stayed at Hogwarts I decided to get caught up on my homework to enjoy the hols.
So I was sitting in the library studying when Draco walked over holding a letter looking rather white. "Draco? is everything alright you look like you are about to faint?" Draco looked at me, and flopped into the chair next to me. "The letter is from father." DRaco said I raised my eyebrow knowing I was not going to like this. "He's petitioned to get buckbeak killed and Hagrid fired. i didn't want any of this!" I rubbed my hand across my face sighing. "Theres a hearing in April but Father is obviously going to twist it." DRaco continued. "It's not good but what can we do Dray?"
"I suppose you are right." He agreed.
End chapter 7

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