Chapter 4

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Chapter 4
XX Samhain Weekend XX
It was he first hogsmead weekend  I was waiting for Draco to be ready (that boy takes hours to get ready) and watching Harry try and convince Mcgonagol to sign his slip. Harry sighed walking over, i patted his shoulder."Want anything from honeydukes or something?" I asked him softly and he shook his head. "Nah Ron will probably buy too many anyway I'll just 'borrow' some of his." He chuckled. Finally, finally Draco arrived so I bid Harry goodbye and we made our way to the village.
It was a little while later and we were standing by the shrieking shack , along with Katie and Pheonix who'd we met on the way , When Ron, Hermione, Audrey and Luna came up to us. "Do you reckon it's actually haunted?" Ron asked.
"Unlikely and even if it is doesn't your house have a ghoul? And we literally go to a school with tons of ghosts, we even have a poltergeist nothing to be scared of." I answered. "You have a point." Katie agreed nodding. Suddenly out of nowhere snowballs came flying at us I ducked behind a tree and tried to spot where they where coming from. I scooped up my own snowball and managed to hit the invisible force hearing an "Oof" as it went down. Hermione giggled. "Harry!" and pulled of the cloak covering him.
"Looks like i have good aim."I giggled bouncing out from behind my cover. We talked for a while and the others cast warming and drying charms on their clothes so they didn't freeze to death, we decided to go back to the main streets, Harry keeping his cloak off as no-one would snitch since only our group knew he wasn't supposed to be here.
We were nearly there when Harry hurriedly threw on his cloak as we saw Fudge, Mcgonagol and  Rosmerta having a hushed conversation about Sirius Black . "Why would Sirius Black even come into hogsmead?" Fudge lent Forward and whispered something in her ear. "Harry Potter!?" Rosmerta exclaimed causing both Mcgonagol and the minister to shush her and hurry into the pub.
Harry pulled away from us as we saw foot steps running into the pub after the adults. We attempted to follow him but where sent away. We settled outside to wait for Harry I was particularly worried about what he would hear.
"Luca what's up with you?" Hermione asked noticing i was nibbling at my lip as it had started to bleed. "I'm assuming Harry doesn't know?." I guessed. "Doesn't know what?" I sighed.
"That Sirius Black is his godfather." I revealed, Ron looked shocked. "How in Merlin's name do you know that?" I looked at Draco and he shrugged nodding.
"Sirius is our second cousin we've never met him but that's how we know, mum told us." I told them.As that piece of information sunk in we saw snowy footprints rush away from us and quickly chased him. "Harry?" I asked hearing sobs as i gently removed his cloak.
"He was thier friend and he betrayed them, HE WAS THEIR FRIEND!" I winced. "lets just go back I don't feel like having fun anymore." He stated sullenly as we walked back.

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