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Hi everyone! it's been a long time since I updated this book and I just wanna say this to those who are expecting a new chapter. I'm sorry to inform you this but I have decided to keep this book on hold.

I have lost motivation to write a new chapter and I'm also thinking of changing some things in this book.

It might be long before I update again because of school and stuff like that

If I ever get motivated again, I will try to update this book.

Some of you probably already expected this because I haven't updated this book for months.

To those who liked this book (I highly doubt someone liked this book lol) sorry if this saddens you.

And before I end this announcement I wanna address something serious

A reader of this book has threatened me to update this book a few weeks ago. They added me on discord and then threatened me. I won't say their username for their privacy. I know you're reading this right now, the person who threatened me, you were probably expecting an update but no, I'm not gonna give it to you.

I was actually thinking of updating this story but then I got threats so I didn't update it and then I lost motivation to write.

To the person who threatened me, I just wanna say I'm a busy person. I have my own life to live, you can't force me to update something and then threaten me. I wasn't that surprise when you threatened me, but when you involved my dad that made my blood boil. You can say whatever you want about me, you can tell me I'm useless, stupid, or whatever,  but don't you ever say anything about my dad.

Like I said I won't say who they are for their privacy.

That's all for now everyone.

See ya next time.

Claude De Alger Obelia x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now