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no spoilers

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no spoilers.. i think.

there really is two types of couples.

the cute couples who swear they're locked in, set for life and about to own a house together.

and the others who have gone thru hell and back, and cheat 23 times, have you take therapy because of your partner and leave you with trauma, but somehow they'll manage to last more than the lovey dovey couple?

"bae, you said you were going to stop yesterday and i'm just finding out you cheated again?!" joao yelled angrily at his girlfriend.

"joao but you have to understand! he asked nicely!" his girl argued back.

georgina and cristiano were in the two front seats, giving each other that look you give to your bestfriend when yall both see someone yall dont like.

cristiano almost crashed like three times cause the yelling coming from the back kept scaring him.

gio and cristiano did try and ignore the bickering but they got too caught up in the chisme and shut up just to listen to what they were arguing about.

"dew yew ah'mericans reley watch mewveys with ha'dogs and popcon?" asked jude once he and richarlison payed for their snacks.

"in france, this would be enough to feed an orphanage." kylian said while chewing on his nachos.

richarlison, lucas and neymar had side eyed each other as they watched the europeans complain.

ever since kylian joined the squad, jude had been getting a bit too comfortable complaining about american things.

"but yet you're still going to fuck that shit up?" lucas said watching jude bite down on his hotdog.

in the theater like an hour in the movie

"i'll fuck jake sully.." said georgina out loud with joaos girlfriend agreeing.

"right.. suck, slurp, swallow, bounce and everything." joao turned to look at his girlfriend slowly once she said all that.

cristiano side eyed georgina before looking back at the 3D movie.

"diegito pass the popcorn." kevin whispered, putting his hand out so diego could pass him the bucket. "fuck no, you already finished half of it!" diego groaned, not realizing he was being loud.

"shh!" everybody in the room shushed him.

"why ah' ah'mericans so loud in mewveys? like jus' stey qui- et?" now everybody turned to look at jude.

popcorn, slushees, hotdog, some diapers and nachos were thrown at him. surprisingly, the people sitting next to him didn't get hit at all.

at the ending of the movie..

neymar was gasping for air as he watched the last scene of the movie. it was that scene with jake watching young neteyam trying to catch some fish.

lucas giggling as he had his flash on, recording neymar as he cried.

a row behind him was georgina and cristiano silently sobbing, holding onto each other, georgina had to take the 3D glasses off but still she was crying.

gavi was wiping his boogers that kept falling down his nose with the sleeves of his hoodie.

"why you crying?" the voice of neteyam thru the screen made everybody in the room began to cry more.

"im just happy to see you my boy.."

just like that, many people have gotten up from their seats. a whole mess in the theater as they tried to calm themselves down.

memo had diego and kevin sobbing on both his shoulders, wetting his hoodie with their tears. "memmoooo!" kevin and diego both cried out in union before digging themselves deeper into his shoulder.

"the movies about to end.." memo chucked as he tried to get the two to watch the last scene.

javier, despite it being a sad scene was giggling, too high to cry as he continued to much on his wingstop boneless wings dipped in ranch.

while antonela was holding messi on her lap like some baby who was crying and was trying to calm them down.

"shh shh shh.." she whispered in his ear rocking him a bit to calm him down. but no, messi kept crying- he was crying the worst out of everybody in the theater.

"THEY KILLED HIMMMM!" he whaled out before antonela placed his head on her neck.

everybody walked out the theater with their eyes all puffy and red, some gasping for air and hiccuping.

except for the ones who weren't sensitive at all, laughing at their friends as they watched them have a meltdown.

richarlison needing someone to hold onto since he couldn't see since his eyes were so teary.

memo having to hold diego and kevin by the hand since they didn't want to get up from the seats, because the workers were asking them to get up so they could clean but they refused— so sad to get up.

javier was now throwing the wings up in the closet trashcan that wasn't filled. cause the spicy-nest of the wings hit the back of his throat.

and yk what happened when you're high and eat something spicy..

pedri having to give his hoodie and blanket up to gavi since he already had his hoodie covered in tears and boogers and mucus.

yet he was still blowing his nose out, using both pedri's blanket and hoodie. yeah, pedri knew he was going to have to do a deep cleaning on it later.

joao and his girlfriend both walked out, joao wiping his tears away while his girlfriend was texting some other dude.

"why ah' ah' mericans such cry babæys?" jude croaked as he wiped a tear away.

"in europe, crying is-" kylian started but was shut down when some stranger passing by threw their nachos at him.

"fucking hate europeans.."


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